Minister of Persia
Constantinople, May 17, 1865.
Monsieur le Ministre and Dear Colleague: Telegraphic information having been received at Teheran of the assassination of the illustrious President [Page 616] of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, I have received instructions by telegraph to convey to your excellency the expression of the regret and sorrow entertained by my august sovereign his Majesty the Shahinshah and his imperial government for this sad event.
I have also been directed by my government to solicit your excellency to communicate to the President of the United States its sentiments of condolence, and its wishes for the prosperity of the United States of America, and for perpetual amity between the two countries.
In executing these orders of my government, I beg you, Monsieur le ministre and dear colleague, to accept the expression of my own profound sympathy for the cruel death of your illustrious President, and my sincere condolence for the same.
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to you the assurance of my high consideration.