Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward


Sir: * * * * * * Since the writing of my despatch of yesterday’s date, we have been overjoyed to learn that the rumor of your death is not true, and that you are recovering from the dreadful wounds inflicted on you by the assassin. We humbly invoke an all-merciful God to restore you to health for the sake of the best interests of our beloved country. However variant may be the opinions of people in Europe as to the American war, they are accordant in the recognition of the consummate ability and sagacity with which you have directed our foreign policy. The preservation of your life is regarded as an event in which the world at large has a common interest with your fellow-countrymen. May Heaven prolong your useful life for new services to the American people!

* * * * * * *

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State.