Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward
Sir: The bulletin of the King’s health issued at the palace to-day is the same as that of yesterday, and is as follows: “The night has been more tranquil. The general condition of the King is more satisfactory.”
I do not consider he is yet out of danger. He has been much debilitated and prostrated, mentally as well physically, from want of food and sleep, and these tell additionally upon his advanced age. His physicians, I understand, finally induced him, not without difficulty, to partake of some nourishment on the day before yesterday, and sleep followed, and he has since improved, but not without one relapse of the suffocating attack which caused so much alarm a few days since. One lung seems to be seriously affected. There is a good deal of apprehension touching the result still entertained, but he is in a much less critical condition than he has been.
The Duke de Brabant, if he connects with the various steamers from India, will arrive here about the 8th proximo.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.