Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward
Sir: Your despatch No. 91, dated June 13, 1865, is received, and contents duly noted. I am deeply gratified that a kind Providence has restored you to health, and preserved your invaluable services to our country, that stands so much in need thereof. May you soon have the happiness of seeing your son Frederick also entirely recovered.
The department circular, relating to Admiral Goldsborough’s squadron in European waters, is likewise received, and I shall not fail, as occasion may require, to make the subject of the circular known to the proper persons here.
Berlin at this time is entirely deserted by all prominent official and diplomatic personages. His Majesty the King has gone on his annual tour to Karlsbad, accompanied by M. de Bismarck, and he is not expected to return to Berlin before September next.
Affairs in the United States continue largely to engross the attention of the press and people of Germany, and hopes are indulged that the reconstruction of the States on the basis of the total and final abolition of slavery will be successfully carried out. Public sentiment here is strongly in favor of seeing the right of suffrage conceded to the colored population of the rebellious States.
The demand for United States bonds is still very active, so much so that at this time they are from 2 to 3 per cent. higher than in New York. They are quoted to-day at 77⅝ a 77⅞.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.