Mr. Wood to Mr. Hunter

No. 198.]

Sir: I herewith forward a copy of a note I have received from Mr. Blurmhe, the minister for foreign affairs, in answer to mine of the 31st ultimo, enclosing a copy of the President’s late proclamation. From this you will see that this government has never acknowledged the so-called Confederate States as belligerents, having, as I think, a better record towards us than any other European power.

I remain, &c., your obedient servant,

BRADFORD R. WOOD, Minister Resident.

Hon. W. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.


Mr. Blumhe to Mr. Wood

Sir: In answer to your letter containing the proclamation of the President of the United States of the 10th ultimo, relative to the American insurgent cruisers, I hasten to inform you that the government of the King has never recognized the so-called Confederate States as a belligerent party, and consequently that proclamation will not affect the conduct hitherto observed by the Danish authorities towards their cruisers. On mentioning that this fact is well known to the cabinet in Washington, which has often expressed satisfaction for it, to the minister of the King in that city, I accept the occasion to repeat the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.


Mr. Bradford R. Wood, Minister Resident of the United States.