Mr. Wood to Mr. Hunter
Sir: Your despatch No. 108, of the 12th of April, in relation to the closing of certain ports in the United States by a proclamation of the late President, and your circular of the 17th of April, ultimo, advising me of the assassination of President Lincoln, and of the accession of Mr. Johnson, the Vice-President, to the presidential chair, have been received and their contents communicated to Mr. Blumhe, the minister for foreign affairs. By a reference to my despatch No. 194 of the 1st instant, you will see that I had communicated the sad news of the murder of President Lincoln, and that this government had addressed, through Mr. Blumhe, a kind and sympathizing letter of condolence.
I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant,
Hon. W. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.