Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter
Sir: Your circular instruction of April 17, giving me official information of the horrible crimes committed in Washington on the night of the 14th of April, your printed circular of same date, ordering crape to be worn for six months, and your instruction No. 92, of April 18, in which, among other things, you transmit the welcome intelligence that the I condition of the Secretary of State and of the Assistant Secretary was improving, have been received.
You will have learned by my recent despatches, Nos. 193, 194, and 195, that this intelligence was long since anticipated by the telegraph, and I have not hesitated to take official action based on a telegram from Mr. Adams, our minister at London, dated the 26th ultimo. My own dispositions have been communicated to the department, as well as the action taken by the Spanish government, Queen, and legislative bodies, in presence of these events.
The full mourning ordered by me will be preserved in this legation and consulates during the thirty days, and afterwards reduced to the crape upon the left arm for six months from the 15th April, in compliance with your printed orders to that effect,
I beg to congratulate you with all my heart upon the improved state of both the Messrs. Seward, which I am happy to find fully confirmed by more recent telegrams, and I trust, indeed, the permanent and complete recovery of both may now be reasonably anticipated. In this belief I beg to enclose the accompanying private letter, which, if he be able to receive it, I beg you will be so good as to have delivered into Mr. Seward’s hands.
The occasion also permits me to offer to yourself the sincere expression of my personal respect.
Your obedient servant,
Hon. William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State, Washington.