Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay
Sir: Your despatch of the 4th instant, No. 79, has been received.
The sad events which have called it forth have inspired, universally, sentiments identical with those which you have communicated, and they have been expressed by the great powers in terms which do justice to the spirit of the age in which we live.
As you were informed in instruction No. 156, Mr. de Stoeckl had already, under the direction of Prince Gortchacow, on behalf of the Emperor, in his Majesty’s absence, imparted to the President his own sentiments, and his prevision of the impression which the tragical occurrences would make upon his Imperial Majesty, and had communicated at the same time the friendly wishes of the Russian government towards President Johnson and the American Union. The manifestations to which your despatch refers, and the notes which accompany it, are highly gratifying, and I must rely upon you to convey, on behalf of the government and people of the United States, in fitting terms, to the distinguished functionaries from whom they have emanated, expressions of the grateful estimation in which they are held.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Cassius M. Clay, Esq., &c., &c.,&c.