Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward
Sir: It becomes my painful duty to inform you that this morning at half-past twelve o’clock his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Héritier died at Nice, of a diseased spine, under which he had been gradually sinking. His Majesty the Emperor of Russia and her Royal Highness the Princess Dagmar, of Denmark, his affianced bride, got to Nice in time to witness the last hours of this amiable but ill-fated youth. All Russia, the diplomatic corps, and every one who knew this interesting young man, lament most sincerely his untimely end. For my self I had added to the respect which I owed him as the heir of a great throne and the son of a noble father, the friendship which his amiability and many virtues inspired. * * * * *
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.