Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward

No. 74.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose to you (A A) the protest of Messrs. Sibley and Collins in reference to the telegraphic grant of the Russian government, together with my noté (B) to Prince Gortchacow. The two papers will explain the issues made. I must say, however, that whilst I know the construction [Page 375] given to the original grant of May 15,1863, O. S., by the Russian government, will not give the company as much money as the real import of the section 17 would warrant, yet I believe the charter a good and practical one, and therefore I do not share in the despondency of H. Sibley, esq.

Believing, however, that I contend for his just rights, I shall steadily pursue all proper means to cause them to be respected.

Your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

(A A.)

Messrs, Sibley & Collins to Prince Gortchacow

The respectful and dutiful protest of Hiram Sibley and P. McD. Collins against the decision of the Russian government and the imperial telegraph department of Russia, in regard to the remarks added to the 17th section of conditions of agreement, signed and done in convention at St. Petersburg on the 9-21st March, A. D. 1865, between the director-in-chief of the department of imperial telegraphs, his excellency J. Tolstoy, on the part of the imperial government, and the undersigned, on the part of the Western Union Telegraph Company, of Rochester, in the State of New York, United States of America, under an act of the Siberian committee, sanctioned by his Imperial Majesty on the 15th day of May, A. P. 1863, No. 820.

This protest most respectfully and dutifully showeth, that by the original grant, No. 820, cited above, Major P. McD. Collins, a citizen of the United States of America, was authorized to form a company for the construction of a telegraph from the mouth of the Amoor river, in Asiatic Russia, to the frontiers of Russian America.

In this original grant certain inducements were held out, in order to encourage and effect the formation of a company for the construction of said telegraph, one of which was that, “for the encouragement of the undertaking of the company, the Russian government will allow a deduction of 40 per cent, upon the net profits of despatches transmitted along the Russian telegraph lines, solely to and from America.” This promised aid formed the leading inducement in the formation of the company and the subscriptions to and sale of its shares. The words of the grant No. 820, as well as the true intent and meaning of the passage cited above, now section 17, incorporated in the convention signed on the 9-21st March, A. D. 1865, bound the imperial government, as the company and the undersigned believed, in good faith, that the “net profits on despatches to and from America” were to he ascertained solely in reference to American despatches passing over Russian government telegraph lines. Now, however, the imperial telegraph department has interpreted the meaning of this clause, as we consider, quite differently. The department of telegraphs contend, in order to reckon the net profits of American despatches, that the whole system of Russian telegraphs must be brought into account, and that the expenses of the whole administration of government telegraphs must be paid before the net profits on American despatches can be allowed to the company. To this mode of reckoning we cannot agree.

We contend that the cost and charges upon despatches to and from America should only be reckoned, and not the gross sum of all government telegraphs. The company was formed and the capital raised upon the original promise of the imperial government; England and the United States granted co-operative charters upon the basis of the original Russian grant, No. 820; the company purchased vessels and freighted them with materials; engineers and exploring parties were sent forward, and the government of the United States, under the act of Congress, furnished a steamer in aid of the undertaking of the company.

We came to St. Petersburg in October, A. D. 1864, and laid before the director-in-chief of ways of public communications, General Melnikoff, the proofs required in the original grant, No. 820; these proofs were acknowledged to be satisfactory by the department, and we awaited an early response.

But after several months of ineffectual entreaty and correspondence with the imperial department of telegraphs, we were compelled to assent to its views, as we believe, subversive of the original grant, No. 820, in regard to the allowance of the 40 per cent, upon American despatches.

Our ships were upon the sea, our capital invested, the enterprise happily on foot, when we found the undertaking must be abandoned, or submit to the views of the department of imperial telegraphs. Our views, and the correspondence upon this question of 40 per cent, encouragement as promised in the original grant, No. 820, are at great length before the [Page 376] department, and consequently it is not deemed requisite to repeat them here. We appealed in vain against the decision of the imperial department of telegraphs as to the remarks to section 17. We were told by his excellency J. Tolstoy, director-in-chief of imperial telegraphs, that if we did not sign the conditions with the objectionable remarks added to section 17, the obligations of Russia would not guarantee to us the construction of our telegraph under the grant No. 820, and that all our rights under that giant would be forfeited, and that our capital and the money already invested must be lost, and the construction of the telegraph would be given over to another company. This we consider unjust, but, pressed by the vast interests involved, we were obliged to submit to his excellency’s decision.

We had gone on in good faith, as we believed, under the original grant, No. 820. Our capital was invested, and to abandon the undertaking under the decision of the imperial department of telegraphs would be the absolute destruction of the company and loss of all the capital invested. Therefore, in order to save the company from great loss, and the abandonment of the construction of the telegraph, we were forced to sign the convention, as insisted upon by his excellency the chief of imperial telegraphs, and resort to this protest for our protection and the rights of the company under the original grant, No. 820.

Now, therefore, we, the undersigned, P. McD. Collins, the original grantee under the act No. 820, and Hiram Sibley, the president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, in our own names, and as the agents and representatives of said Western Union Telegraph Company, do hereby most respectfully, and as in duty bound, protest against the actions, doings, and decisions of the Russian government, and the imperial department of Russian telegraphs; claiming for ourselves and the company, or to whomsoever the rights and obligations of the original grant No. 820 may appertain, the full force, meaning, and intent of said original grant.



His Excellency Prince Gortchacow, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs,


Mr. Clay to Prince Gortckacow

The undersigned has the honor to transmit to his excellency Prince Gortchacow, vice-chancellor and minister of foreign affairs to his Imperial Majesty, &c, the protest of Hiram Sibley and Perry McD. Collins, esqs., American citizens, against the construction of the grant of his Imperial Majesty, of the 15th day of May, 1863, now put upon it by the Russian authorities.

The American minister has the honor to renew to his excellency Prince Gortchacow assurances of his most distinguished consideration.