Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward

No. 31.]

Sir: In the Gironde of Bordeaux, bearing date the 13th instant, and just come to hand, I find a note from the Danish consul at that port, of which the following is a translation:

“Mr. Editor: Your sheet of the 10th instant contains a note apropos of the Olinde affair, in which it is stated that this vessel had been sold by Mr. Arman, the builder, to Denmark, that she had paid for it, and that Arman only learned through the journals of the change of destination of the vessel, with which he had no concern.

“Permit me to address to you the following rectification, which I beg you will have the goodness to insert in your next issue.

[Page 228]

“The iron-clad ram built last year by Mr. Arman, and which left Bordeaux bearing the name of the Stoerkodder, has never been definitely sold to Denmark; the Danish government having, on the contrary, refused to accept a delivery of her. There has never been any question of paying her price, and she has been returned to her constructor, who has never ceased to have entire control of her.

“Accept, sir, &c.,

“E. KIRSTEIN, “Consul of Denmark.”

The Gironde accompanied this letter with the following remark:

“In respect to the announcements made in this letter we have only to state that they are in absolute conflict with the information furnished to us, and which we are bound to esteem correct.”

Mr. Adams telegraphed from London last evening that the Baltic was frozen over and no mail, which I suppose was intended to explain why I did not receive something more authoritative upon this subject through Mr. Wood from the Danish government in time for this mail.

I am, sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.