
Mr. Bigelow to Mr Seward

No 19.]

Sir: I received a telegram on Saturday from Mr. Perry, secretary of the legation at Madrid, advising me that a confederate steamer had put into Connina, in Spain, for repairs. The next morning, Sunday, about 11 o’clock, I received another despatch from Mr. Perry (enclosure No. 1) giving such a description of the vessel referred to in his previous despatch as to satisfy me that it was the Stoerkodder, alias the Olinde, alias the Stonewall, and that she had sought refuge in the dock-yard of Ferrol for repairs.

I immediately drove to the minister of foreign affairs, and was fortunate enough to find Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys in his cabinet. I communicated to him the infomation I had received, of which he took a copy, and my reasons for believing the vessel at Ferrol to be the Olinde. After he was fully possessed of my facts, I suggested to his excellency the propriety of immediately instructing his ambassador at Madrid, by telegraph, to ask the Spanish government to detain the vessel at least until the inquest, which the minister of marine was making in the case of the Olinde, was completed, and his excellency had an opportunity of communicating more fully with his minister at Madrid upon the subject. Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys replied that he had written twice to the minister of marine, pressing him for a report of the evidence in the case of the Olinde, but as yet nothing had been received from that department. He could not, he thought, with propriety, give any order upon the subject to his diplomatic agents till he had heard from the minister of marine. He also betrayed some uneasiness, lest in taking the initiative he might be assuming a greater degree of responsibility for what had recently occurred at Quiberon bay than was consistent with his theory, that the Olinde was a Danish and not a French vessel. I explained that a crime had been committed against the laws of France, hence the inquest upon which the minister of marine was engaged; till the authors and extent of that crime were ascertained and punished, France had an interest in detaining the vessel and all on board as contingently liable in damages; that this right was quite independent of the nationality of the vessel upon which there was no immediate occasion to give an opinion. The Olinde was the corps de delit in a sense, and France had a right to insist upon her remaining at Ferrol to await the pending investigation. His excellency seemed to assent to this view, but again referred to the absence of official evidence. I asked him if there would be any impropriety in my going to the minister of marine, showing him my despatch, and discussing the subject with him. “None whatever,” was his prompt reply, and he wished me to mention to the minister of marine that he was waiting for his report, without which he was unable to take any step in the premises.

[Page 216]

I immediately went to the minister of marine, whom I was also fortunate enough to find in his cabinet. I made substantially the same communication to him that I had made to the minister of foreign affairs, including the message I had been requested to deliver.

His excellency informed me that the papers in the case of the Olinde were just complete, except that the testimony of Arman had not been taken, and that they were on the point of being sent to the minister of foreign affairs; he said, of course, he could give no orders to the diplomatic agents of the government, but that if I would return to Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys after he had had time to read the report I might renew my proposition, and the despatch might be sent on that night. He suggested that I should go at 2 o’clock, and promised that in the course of the afternoon he would see Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys himself.

I told him I should follow his advice, and in doing so should use his name. Before leaving I saw the report folded, sealed, directed, and delivered into the hands of a messenger, who set out with it to the ministry of foreign affairs. At 2 o’clock I went again to the ministry of foreign affairs, but unfortunately Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys had gone out.

I immediately returned to the legation and addressed to him a communication, of which enclosure No. 2 is a copy.

I then sent the following telegram to Mr. Perry, at Madrid, and to Mr. Sanford, at Brussels:

“February 5, 1865.

“The steamer Stonewall, Captain V. P. Page, 3 cannons, 300 horse-power, 79 men, from Copenhagen, via France, for America, flag of confederates, is at Ferrol, Spain, for repairs. It is doubtless the Olinde.


I also addressed to Mr. Perry, by mail, a communication, of which enclosure No. 3 is a copy. I received from Mr. Sanford this afternoon the following despatch: “Craven telegraphs from Dover, acknowledging the receipt of my yesterday’s despatch” I presume from this that the Niagara will soon be at Corunna, if she is not under conflicting orders. I omitted to state that in my interview with the minister of foreign affairs he twice asked where our ships were and advised me to send them after her at once. I was sorry not to have any definite information upon the subject.

* * * * * * * * *

To explain where the Olinde was between the 2d of January, when she left Copenhagen, and the 23d, when she arrived off Palais, Belle Isle, I enclose an extract from a letter received from our consul at Elsinore, (enclosure No. 4.) I also enclose an extract from a letter received this morning from our consul at Bordeaux, in reference to the Stoerkodder’s supply of coals, (enclosure No. 5.)

I hope before the departure of the next mail to have something to send you from the minister of foreign affairs in reference to this case.

I remain, sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c.,

[Enclosure No. 1.—&c.,Telegraphic despatch.]

It is the iron-clad steamer Stonewall, Captain V. G. Page; 3 cannon; 300 horse-power; 79 crew; from Copenhagen for America; at dock-yard of Ferrol; asks repairs.


Mr. ———— ————, Chargé d’Affaires of the United States at Paris.

[Page 217]
[Enclosure No. 2.]

Mr. Bigeloiw to Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys.

Sir: I had the honor to communicate your excellency’s message this morning to his excellency the minister of marine, together with my proof already exhibited to your excellency of the identity of the steam ram Olinde, which recently sailed from the bay of Quiberon with the confederate steamer Stonewall, now lying at Ferrol, in Spain. His excellency the minister of marine informed me that his report in the case of the Olinde was ready, and he was on the point of sending it. While I was there I saw it placed in the hands of a messenger. His excellency the minister of marine purposed to wait upon your excellency to confer upon the subject of his report in the course of this afternoon, but he recommended me to wait upon your excellency again, after you had ha I leisure to peruse the papers, when he thought I might receive some intimation to guide me in my communication to-night with our agents in Spain. In compliance with this suggestion, I called at the ministry of foreign affairs, but was so unfortunate as to find that your excellency had gone out. Had I been fortunate enough to have seen your excellency on the occasion of my second visit, I should have taken the liberty of urging the expediency of to-day instructing Mr. Mercier to request the Spanish government to detain the Stonewall until you had finished the inquiry which had been instituted into the circumstances attending her equipment and departure from France, which there was reason for believing had been effected in violation of the laws of France. I had also intended to suggest, as a precedent to the Spanish government, if any were needed, and to show that the imperial government asks no more than it is willing to concede, the case of the Victor, alias Rappahannock, now lying at Calais, by virtue of a procedure precisely similar in all important particulars to that which I propose should be instituted against the Stonewall. If your excellency should estimate the importance of preventing this steamer from leaving the west coast of Europe, under the flag of the so-called confederate government, as highly as I do, you will pardon the earnestness with which I press a course of proceeding which promises a speedy, natural, and satisfactory solution of what otherwise threatens to become a very troublesome case.

I beg to renew to your excellency the assurance of the very distinguished consideration with which I have the honor to be your excellency’s very obedient and very humble servant,


His Excellency M. Drouyn de Lhuys, Minister of Foreign Affairs, &c.,

[Enclosure No. 3.]

Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Perry.

Sir: The confederate steamer Stonewall, referred to in your telegram received this morning, is undoubtedly one of the rams built at Bordeaux; originally for the confederates, but ultimately sold, conditionally, to the Banish government. She left Bordeaux last September for Copenhagen, but not answering to the specifications of the contract was refused. She left, as was given out to the public and stated in the shipping articles of the crew, for. Bordeaux early in January, with a Danish crew, shipped by Arnons de la Bieere, (the agent of Mr. Arman, the builder, ) who accompanied her to Copenhagen and returned with her. She stopped in the bay of Quiberon, just inside the isle of Honat, when she discharged her Danish crew and received at the same time from the Duke of Richmond, (an English steamer,) a crew, guns, and munitions of all kinds. From a steam-tug sent from St. Nazaire she also received thirty tons of coal, which replaced what had been consumed on her voyage from Copenhagen, where she had also taken only thirty tons, that being the extent of her capacity at that time, from which I infer that she left Bordeaux full of coal, and that her final destination for the confederates was planned before she left Bordeaux.

The name she bore when she left Bordeaux was the Stoerkodder; after passing into the confederate hands, as I presume she did immediately after clearing at Copenhagen, she took the name of Olinde, which she bore on her stern while lying in Quiberon bay. I heard a report current, a day or two after she sailed, that great things were expected (by the confederates) from a ram which had just left France, called the Stonewall, and that the utter destruction of our blockading fleet off Charleston was to be one of the least considerable of its achievements. Of the identity of these two vessels I have no doubt, nor do I believe any is entertained here, either at the department of marine or foreign affairs, both of which I visited immediately upon the receipt of your despatch.

[Page 218]

I proposed that his excellency the minister of foreign affairs should telegraph this afternoon to his minister at Madrid to ask the Spanish government to detain the Stonewall, at least until the investigation which the government here is now making be completed, and the guilty parties, if there are any, to the equipment of this vessel in French waters, be ascertained. I assured him that our legation at Madrid would unite in such an application if necessary.

Unfortunately he had not yet received any report from the department of marine, without which he could not take any step of that gravity.

I took measures to have the report of the minister of marine reach him within an hour after my interview, and I hope that one of the results of a perusal of the evidence will be a telegraphic direction this afternoon to Mr. Mercier to do what may be necessary to detain the vessel.

I write you all these facts in detail that you may understand the position which the French government occupies, and to suggest that you put yourself at once in relation with Mr. Mercier, and urge him to do what he can to make the Spanish government seize, or at least detain, the Stonewall. The more France can be made to take the initiative in this matter the more will our future course be simplified. Should Mr. Mercier receive no instructions, or should he decline to act, I would suggest that you make the application in behalf of your own government.

France has recently furnished Spain an excellent precedent for such a step in the case of the Rappahannock, which was fraudulently taken from English waters into Calais to be fitted out and equipped for the confederates. This government refused to let her leave, upon grounds which apply with exactness to the case of the Stonewall. In both cases they got an opportunity of flying the confederate flag by a fraud upon the government, under which they were equipped in part. France refused to recognize a nationality acquired in that way, and the Rappahannock lies at Calais to this day.

Have you any agent at Ferrol? If not, would you not do well to send one there at once? I hope you will keep me advised of the movements of the Stonewall by telegram.

I am. sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant,

JOHN BIGELOW, Charge, &c.,

Horatio J. Perry, Secretary of Legation.

[Enclosure No. 4.—Extract.]

Mr. Hansen to Mr. Bigelow.

Dear Sir: Your telegram of yesterday has just been received, and answered by me per telegraph.

The Stoerkodder only took on board and cleared for export thirty tons of coal. What quantity she had on board is unknown.

After she left Copenhagen she had to lay to off this port a couple of days on account of bad weather. She had gone out, but had to return. She went into the port of Christiansand, in Norway, where she also stopped some days on account of the weather. The report from there is, that she is a poor sea-going vessel. I next found her reported as arriving in the Texel on the 19th of January, which port she left on the 20th for Bordeaux, as reported from there. She undoubtedly went in there for coals. * * * * *

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,

GEORGE P. HANSEN, United States Consul

Hon. John Bigelow, United States Consul, Paris.

[Enclosure No. 5.—Extract.]

Mr. Davison to Mr. Bigelow.

Sir: In answer to yours of the 4th, received yesterday, (Sunday,) I am enabled to say that the Stoerkodder took on 180 tons of coal here before leaving for Denmark. I called upon Mr. William Bradley, (an Englishman,) coal dealer, who informed me that he furnished the coal for all of Annan’s vessels—the Yedo, Osacca, and Stoerkodder—and that he put 180. tons on the latter, and a larger amount on the former two, (some 200 or 300 tons each.) It is stated here, and was published in the papers at the time, that the Stoerkodder also put into [Page 219] Cherbourg for more coal on her way north, the statements being that her sailing apparatus did not work well, and that she had to go entirely by steam.

I called on my friend Mr. Preck, also, again to-day, who tells me he thinks she had but 100 tons of coal on her, and that she would hold 250 tons. He was a surveyor of that vessel, and was on board during her trial trips on the river. He says she went up and down the river two or three times, making, at the best speed, ten knots an hour in smooth water, with, I believe, sixty-five revolutions of the wheel per minute. I think Arman had agreed to make her run twelve knots..

Mr. Preck says the remaining iron-clad, the Cheops, has been sold to the Bey of Tunis for two and a half million francs. He tells me an engineer of the Bey was here to examine her. There may be another dodge awaiting us with this vessel. * * *

Very respectfully yours,

C. DAVISON, United States Consul.

Hon. John Bigelow, United States Minister, Paris.