Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter
April I8, 1865.
Sir: I communicated to Governor Rawson copies
of Mr. Seward’s note of. the 3d of March, and of its enclosure, relative
to the movements of a schooner called the Gypsy, and I have now the
honor to enclose a copy of his excellency’s reply.
I have the honor to be, with high consideration, sir, your most obedient,
humble servant,
Hon. W. Hunter,
&c., &c., &c.
Governor Rawson to Mr. Burnley
Government House,
April 3, 1865.
SIR: In reply to your despatch of the 8th instant, enclosing a letter
from Mr. Secretary Seward upon the movements of the schooner Gypsy,
I have satisfaction in reporting that the apprehensions entertained
by the United States consul, at Havana appear to have been
groundless, and the information which excited them incorrect.
The Gypsy arrived in this port, on the 2d of March with seven
passengers, and cleared out in ballast for Havana on the 14th of the
same month, under the command of the same master. Of the seven
passengers, one was a medicai officer in her Majesty’s service, and
another a tradesman of this place.
I have, &c.,
J. Hume Bunley, Esq., &c., &c., &c.