Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward

Sir: The President’s proclamation of March 14, directing all non-resident foreigners who now are or hereafter shall be found in the United States, and who have been or shall have been engaged in violating the blockade of the insurgent ports, to leave the United States within twelve days from the publication of this proclamation, has engaged very earnestly my attention, and I cannot but think that the second clause may meet with serious comment on the part of neutral powers, whose subjects may be found in the category of those who have been or are now engaged in running the blockade.

I would therefore submit for your consideration, subject of course to the approval or disapproval of her Majesty’s government when the proclamation reaches them, the enclosed memorandum, embodying what seems to me the objectionable portions of it.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.