Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley
Sir: Information, which is fully credited, has been received at this department that the steamer Ajax, which recently sailed from Kingston, Ireland, has gone out for the purpose of being used as a war vessel; that, although she was not armed, she had one hundred hammocks ready to be put up; that her armament has gone or will go in some sailing vessel to meet her at some concerted point, to be there transferred to her. In order the more effectually to screen her piratical designs, it is understood that she will visit Nassau before taking on board her armament.
In view of these circumstances, I beg leave to suggest to you the expediency of your putting her Majesty’s authorities at Halifax, Bermuda, and Nassau on their guard to prevent the armament within their jurisdiction of this vessel for purposes hostile to the United States.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your obedient servant,
J. Hume Burnley, Esq., &c., &c., &c.