Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward.
Sir: Information has just reached me by the packet from the Azores that the authorities of those islands have manifested the utmost zeal and energy in carrying out the views of the government here concerning the rebel cruisers [Page 296] which were expected to seek rendezvous among their secluded harbors. Unusual vigilance and activity have been adopted, besides other precautions, which promise the best results.
I understand that the governor of the island of Terceira (Azores) has so construed the instructions which he received as to forbid the coaling of any steamer designing to violate our blockade, and that he requires a bond to be given, before allowing coals to be furnished at all, that the ships receiving the supply will not run the blockade.
While this fair and friendly spirit is maintained our relations should be drawn into a closer intimacy, and I shall seek every proper occasion to manifest a becoming appreciation of such considerate and commendable conduct.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.