The Duke de Soulé to Mr. Harvey.
I have the honor of informing you, in reply to the note which you were pleased to address me under date of 31st December last, that the minister of the navy department has communicated to me on the 13th instant that, in conformity with the opinion given by the general council of customs regarding the question raised in Loando between the American merchants Silva & Brother and the custom-house of that city, a “portaria” has been forwarded to the governor general of the province of Angola, in order that the goods to which you allude in your above-mentioned note shall be charged with two-thirds of the respective duty, according to sections 2d and 7th of article 1st of the tariff at said custom-house, and in conformity to the treaty between Portugal and the United States.
I renew, on this occasion, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
James E. Harvey, Esq., &c., &c., &c.