Department of State, Washington, January 7, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, February 1, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, February 25, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, March 9, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, April 19, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, June 15, 1864.
Department of State, Washington, November 19, 1864.
Legation of the Unitee States,
Turin, July 20, 1863.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, August 17, 1863.
Legation op the United States,
Turin, December 1, 1863.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, January 8, 1864.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, April 16, 1864.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, May 6, 1864.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, September 19, 1864.
Legation of the United States,
Turin, September 21, 1864.