Mr. Harvey to the Duke de Soulé.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your note of the 23d instant, communicating a copy of a portaria, addressed to the civil governors of the Azores and Madeira, founded upon representations made by me in reference to the designs and movements of certain piratical cruisers, reported as intending to rendezvous and equip at the island possessions of his Majesty, against the commerce of the United States.
It is my duty and pleasure to say that the instructions contained in that portaria are consistent with the friendship and good feeling which have so long and happily subsisted between Portugal and the United States, and which it is to be hoped may not only be still longer continued, but united even more closely and strongly.
[Page 291]The United States ship St. Louis sailed yesterday for the Azores direct, intending subsequently to touch at Madeira. Her commander is charged to deliver personally the despatches to the various authorities at the islands, which your excellency, at my suggestion, addressed to my care.
I avail myself of this opportunity to tender the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
His Excellency the Duke de Soulé, Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.