Mr. Nelson to Señor Don A. Covarrubias.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a note from your excellency, dated this day, informing me that his excellency the President of the republic, having accepted the resignation of the honorable Señor Don Manuel A. Tocornal as minister of foreign relations, has been pleased to appoint your excellency to that high and honorable position.

Allow me to respond cordially to the hopes expressed by your excellency, and to manifest the earnest desire that our official relations may be such as may tend to strengthen the friendly relations happily subsisting between the United States and the republic of Chili.

In tendering to your excellency my earnest congratulations upon your elevation to a position so responsible, I have the honor to offer to your excellency the assurances of most distinguised consideration with which I am your excellency’s most obedient servant,


Señor Don Alvaro Covarrubias, Minister of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Chili.