
Mr. Covarrubias to Mr. Nelson.

Sir:The honorable Señor Don Manuel A. Tocornal has placed in the hands of the President of the republic his resignation from the charge of minister of foreign relations, and his excellency having deigned to accept the same, has been pleased to honor me with his high confidence, calling me to occupy the post left vacant by that distinguished citizen.

In beginning my official relations with your excellency, I am flattered with the hope that they may be ever animated by the same spirit of cordiality and good understanding which presided over those which existed between your excellency and my illustrious predecessor.

I have the honor to offer to your excellency the assurance of my most perfect consideration with which I subscribe myself your excellency’s most obedient servant,


The Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of North America.
