Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward

No. 412.]

Sir: Your despatches from No. 455 to No. 464, both inclusive, are duly received.

The newspapers which you forwarded, purporting to contain a full copy of the report of Mr. Mallory, acting as secretary of the navy to the rebels of the south, was likewise received, and by me transferred to Mr. Drouyn de l’Huys as a genuine copy of the rebel secretary’s full report. I now enclose to you a statement, over the signature of M. F. Maury, cut from Gallignani, which has or will go all over Europe, in which this pretended report is denounced as a forgery. I sincerely hope that this is not so. The truthfulness of our newspapers has been greatly impeached in Europe, and a serious fabrication of this kind, even though innocently used by the government, places us in an unpleasant and awkward position. The legation at London, I am informed, believed the report to be a forgery.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.

[From the Herald.]

A northern trick.—We have received the following.

Sir: Soon after the commencement of the American war the Yankees resorted to the trick of getting up fac-similes of Richmond papers in type, paper, and size, of copying their advertisements, and then filling up with reading matter of northern manufacture. These papers were then put into the mails, received, copied from, and circulated without suspicion as southern utterances. The English press is now the victim of another trick of the same sort. A document copied from the northern papers is now going the rounds of the continental and English press, which purports to be the official report of Mr. Mallory, the confederate secretary of the navy, to the congress in Richmond. It is a take-in—it bears internal evidence of a hoax; and I know many of its statements to be false. Please, therefore, assure your readers that no such document has ever been uttered by the secretary of the confederate navy, and so help me “to nail to the counter” the spurious thing also.

Yours, truly,