Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.
Washington, August 6, 1861.
Sir: Your despatch, No. 17, of the date of July 19th, has been received.
I entirely approve of the letter which you addressed to Lord John Russell, of the 11th, a copy of which accompanied that despatch, and I wait now with impatience, yet not without some solicitude, for the action of the British government upon our propositions which we so early sent forward in good faith, and which by such strange accidents have been so long in reaching the cabinet of Great Britain.
I need hardly tell you that the same mail which conveyed our propositions [Page 127] concerning maritime rights for the consideration of the British government, carried also propositions literally the same for the consideration of the French government, and that of every other maritime power in Europe.
All those powers are understood to be awaiting the action of the government of Great Britain,
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.