233. Telegram From the Embassy in Indonesia to the Department of State0
1450. For Secretary. Embtel 1449.1 During conversation on Pope, Sukarno at one point said: “Can I bargain with you”, and then indicated reluctance to put matter on bargaining basis. Pressed by Attorney General, however, he finally indicated he would trade Pope for assurance of US pressure on Dutch.
Attorney General refused any consideration this kind, pointing out two issues were not comparable—one was major world question; other purely humanitarian matter. He said US recognized GOI had every right to execute Pope; that if GOI did so it would make no difference whatever in our position on West New Guinea.
- Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Indonesia, Pope Case. Top Secret; Priority; Eyes Only; No Distribution Outside Department.↩
- Telegram 1449, February 14, reported on Robert Kennedy’s discussion with Sukarno, on February 14 on the release of Pope. (Department of State, Central Files, 298.1122-Pope, Allen Lawrence/2–1462)↩