- Abdul Rahman, Putra Tunku, 693n, 700, 742, 754, 759–761
- Abdul Razak, Tun, 718–720
- Abdulgani, Ruslan, 661
- Abello, Emilio, 794–795, 799–800, 803, 805–806
- Abramov, Aleksandr N., 163
- Acheson, Dean:
- Afghanistan, 82
- Africa, 28, 307, 360, 455, 624
- Agence France Presse, 772
- Agency for International Development (AID), 11, 72
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 781
- Aguinaldo, Emilio, 804
- Aidit Dipa Nusantara, 335, 425, 470, 742
- Ainsworth, Thomas W., 188n
- Air America, 934
- Air Cobra, 927, 932, 935
- Air Force, Department of the, 150
- Alexander, Clifford L., Jr., 274–276, 278n, 677, 727–729, 760n
- Alexandra, Princess, 235
- Algeria, 64, 384, 537n, 554, 791
- Ali, Mohammed, 74
- Allen, Sir Richard, 110
- Alliance for Progress, 71, 795
- Alphand, Herve, 77, 222–223, 842n, 937
- Amory, Robert, 328n, 634n
- Anand Panyarcachun, 918, 924
- Anderson, Daniel V., 88n, 90n, 158n, 198n
- Anderson, George A., 489
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 792
- Angola, 379, 426, 429, 470, 513
- ANZUS, 304,
630, 706, 731–737, 743–749, 751–752, 762
- Council meeting, Wellington, June 1963, 734
- ANZUS Treaty, Sept. 1951:
- Arends, Leslie C., 938
- Argentina, 409, 652
- Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 554
- Arzac, Daniel M., Jr., 188n, 198n203n, 204n, 224n, 230n, 231n, 250n, 252n, 254n, 261n, 1003n
- Asia, 383, 624, 771–773, 834, 900, 994
- Asia Foundation, 111, 113, 119
- Asian Foreign Ministers Conference, Manila, Jan. 1961, 770
- Asian Games, 645
- Asian Productivity Organization, 60
- Askew, Laurin B., 145n, 842n, 848n
- Association of Southeast Asia (ASA), 10, 14, 47, 57, 60, 889, 920, 996
- Aung Gyi, Brig. Gen., 103, 108, 123, 128
- Aung Shwe, Brig., 88n, 104
- Australia (see also Australia and Australian subheadings under other subjects), 826, 1000
- Austria, 204, 381
- Aytona (Philippines), 787
- Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 64
- Azahari, A.M., 655, 713–714
- Azores, 596, 658
- Ba Swe, U., 124, 125, 128
- Babelsky, Marion, 246
- Baghdad Pact, 35, 41, 45, 58
- Bagley, Lt. Commander Worth H., 899–900
- Balance of payments, U.S., 839
- Baldwin, Charles F., 394, 718, 726n, 728, 729n
- Ball, George W., 151n, 361n, 474n, 477n, 504n, 530n, 545n, 689n, 950n, 966n
- Ballantyne, Robert J., 812n, 814n, 821n, 837
- Bandung Conference, Apr. 1955, 306, 921
- Barnett, Robert W., 667, 670n, 675n, 676, 678n, 724, 814n
- Barrington, James, 96n, 98–101, 113, 133, 135
- Barthelemy, Marcel, 222
- Barwick, Garfield E.G., 76, 731, 738–741, 748–754
- Battle, Lucius D., 158n, 425n, 474n, 477n, 486–489, 770–774, 789n, 869
- Beale, Sir Howard, 394, 412–414, 468, 498, 508, 731–734, 747–748, 750–751, 753
- Beaudry, Robert M., 341n, 407n, 422n, 484n, 549, 592n, 603n, 614n
- Belgium, 470
- Belgrade Conference See Conference of Non-Aligned Nations
- Belk, Samuel, 372
- Bell, David E., 286–287, 295, 314n, 627, 647, 677, 682
- Bell, James D., 39n, 47n, 79n, 310n, 311n, 368n, 400n, 410n, 438n, 506n, 510n, 514n, 521n, 554n, 557n, 558n, 559n, 561n, 566n, 579n, 623n, 648n, 658n, 664n, 670n, 689n, 702n, 753n, 793n, 797n, 800n, 806n, 812n, 816n, 821n, 828n, 974n
- Berlin, 14, 64, 70, 160, 350, 361, 551, 791, 858, 881, 890
- Bermuda Conference, Dec. 1961, 486n, 503n
- Bernhard, Prince, 391–392
- Bhumibol Adulyadej, King, 847, 925, 944, 994–996
- Bingham, Jonathan B., 477
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 328, 333
- Black, Eugene, 438, 554
- Blue, William L., 314n, 403, 438n, 452n, 461n
- Boggs, J. Caleb, 994n
- Boggs, Marion W., 150
- Bohlen, Charles E., 503n, 842n, 929
- Boland, Frederick, 554
- Bolshakov, Georgi N., 950
- Boonchoo, Air Marshal, 843n
- Border Inquiry Commission, 228
- Borneo (see also Brunei; Kalimantan; Malaysia; North Borneo; Sarawak), 80, 717
- Borneo, British, 655n
- Boun Oum, 146n, 770, 804n, 808, 901
- Bowen, Howard E., 883
- Bowers, James E., 245n
- Bowles, Chester B., 314n, 341n, 400n, 504n, 764n, 789n, 804n
- Breckon, Morgan L., 245n
- Breitweiser, Maj. Gen. Robert A., 2n
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 234
- Brookings Institution, 438
- Broomfield, William S., 683
- Brown, Edmund, 789n
- Brown, Winthrop G., 882, 928–929
- Brubeck, William H., 72n, 75n, 122n, 224n, 718n, 802n, 803n, 816n, 980n
- Bruce, David K.E., 723, 762
- Brunei (see also Borneo; Malaysia), 707n
- Budget, Bureau of the, 627n, 653, 830
- Buffum, William B., 410n, 452n, 510n, 554n, 721n
- Bulgakoff (USSR), 863
- Bundy, McGeorge, 11n, 34n, 95n, 97n, 122n, 158n,
166n, 224n, 262n, 292n, 340n, 367n, 419n, 425n, 440n, 451n, 455n, 469n, 484n, 512n, 514n, 530n, 536n, 538n, 545n, 586n, 591n, 594n, 619n, 627n, 665n, 677n, 697n, 718n, 726n, 743n, 750n, 755n, 757n, 774n, 783n, 802n, 803n, 813n, 816n, 825, 899n, 908n, 909n,
912n, 946n, 980n
- Burma, 89, 93n, 117n, 118, 130
- Cambodia, 167, 169, 173–174, 244–245, 268
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1962–1962, 854
- Indonesia, 320n, 328, 333, 647, 656, 664, 670, 674–675, 698, 742
- Laos, 63
- Malaysia, 727, 729–730, 747–748, 751, 761
- New Guinea dispute, 447, 462–463, 483, 490, 504, 552, 571, 621–622
- Philippines, 769–770, 789n, 797, 810, 812, 814
- Southeast Asia, 59, 69
- Thailand, 869, 904, 921–923, 929, 936, 938, 945, 950
- Bundy, William P., 103n, 105n, 116n, 210n, 211n, 361n, 483n, 814n, 939n, 948n, 980n
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 561n, 579n
- Bunker Plan, See under New Guinea dispute
- Burdett, William C., 39n, 227n, 603n
- Burgess, David S., 421
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 853
- Burma (see also Burma and Burmese
subheadings under other subjects), 30,
146, 219
- anti-American riots, 95–96, 100
- army reorganization, 88n, 89n
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 86, 116, 118–119, 124, 126, 128–129, 131, 133, 142
- communist threat to, 50, 193, 989–990
- coups in, 103–105, 109, 920, 923
- ethnic groups and conflicts:
- India, relations with, 117–118
- Karen National Union (KNU), 105
- Kuomintang irregulars, 70, 107
- neutrality of, 109, 119, 126
- Pakistan, relations with, 133
- political parties:
- political situation, 120, 122n, 123–128, 141–142, 947
- regional cooperation, 19, 32, 920
- socialism in, 113, 115–116, 119, 139
- Soviet Union, relations with, 142
- Thailand, relations with, 11, 111, 128, 134, 895, 996
- U.N. Committee on West New Guinea, 409, 449
- Union Revolutionary Council (URC), 103, 115–116, 126
- United States, relations with, 72, 118–122, 135–140, 143–144
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 88–89, 99, 103, 106, 109n, 110, 129–130, 144
- U.S. policy toward, 130–132
- Burma Oil Company, 135
- Burris, Col. Howard L., 68, 960
- Burrows, Bernard, 762
- Butler, Richard A., 762–763
- Byroade, Henry A., 129n, 130–132, 135–140, 143–144
- Cabal (Philippines), 788
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 762, 842n
- Califoria-Texas Oil Co. (CALTEX), 667, 670, 672, 679
- Calingo, Mauro, 790
- Cambodia, 148, 509
- Cambodian-U.S. Military Assistance Agreement of 1955, 195
- China, People’s Republic of, economic aid to, 248, 253n, 284, 289
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 184, 201, 241, 293–294, 297–298
- China, Republic of, relations with, 194, 196n, 230
- communist threat to, 50, 176, 178–179, 181–188, 193, 880, 939
- defense of, 30, 210, 762
- economic situation, 298–299
- ethnic groups:
- French economic and military aid to, 185, 213
- French-U.S. cooperation in, 177
- India, relations with, 239, 917
- Indonesia, relations with, 234
- military situation:
- neutrality of, 147–148, 159, 167, 242, 969
- neutrality proposals, 206–207, 211–212
- amity agreements proposal, 227–229
- British position, 199, 200n, 204n, 208, 226, 228–229, 236–239, 271, 273, 278
- Canadian position, 200n, 220, 272
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 199, 213
- communists as guarantors, 201, 219, 223, 226
- French position, 200n, 204n, 208, 216–217, 219, 222–223, 228–229, 236–239, 271–272, 278
- Geneva Conference proposal, 198–200, 203, 216–217, 219, 261–262, 269, 271–279, 288, 761, 1003–1004
- Laotian position, 200n, 272
- Soviet position, 199, 213, 217
- Thai position, 221, 225, 228, 271–273, 1003
- U.S. position, 202–205, 216, 219–226, 236–239
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, position, 199
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 200n, 221, 225, 228, 271–273
- partition of, 201, 218
- plots by dissidents, 188–189, 196–197, 229–231
- political parties:
- Preah Vihear Temple, 167, 192, 196, 244n, 951–952, 967, 969
- regional cooperation, 19, 32
- SEATO role in, 185, 222
- Soviet military aid to, 236
- Thai economic aid to, 10–11
- Thailand, relations with, 166–170, 179n, 185, 192, 207–211, 273–917, 960, 982, 997
- U.N. role in, 184–185, 199, 203n, 210
- United Kingdom, relations with, 288–289, 291, 293
- United States, relations with, 72, 158–159, 168–169, 179–181, 215–216, 233–236, 244–245, 289–290
- U.S. economic aid to, 159, 187–188, 214
- U.S. military aid to, 155, 185–187, 195–196, 209–214, 216, 295, 960
- U.S. policy toward, 217–219, 982
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 192, 201, 239, 241, 298
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 166–168, 170, 179–181, 185,
- airplane seizure incidents, 157, 202, 208
- border incidents, 213, 215, 218, 265–266, 267n
- breaking of, 213, 216
- Cambodian dissidents, 188–189, 196–197, 201, 230–231, 241–243, 250, 254
- cattle raid, 194
- French position, 155, 157
- Khmer Serei radio broadcasts, 241, 249, 254, 257, 263n, 264, 268–271, 274–276, 279–280, 296
- U.S. position, 10, 159–160, 238, 255
- Viet Cong infiltration, 151n, 152–157, 161, 231–233
- Cameron, Turner C., 116n
- Canada, 996
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 699
- Castillo (Philippines), 802, 803n
- Castro, Fidel, 347, 354, 358, 382
- Celebes, 324
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 72, 231n, 259, 285, 292n, 297n, 707n, 743n
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 35, 41, 45, 58, 755
- Chalermchai Charuwat, Gen., 50, 913
- Champaigne, Curtis, 234, 256
- Chanco, Mario, 827–828
- Chapman, Christian G., 86n
- Charoenchai, Bun, 50–51
- Chase, Brig. Gen. Charles H., 175n
- Chau Sen Cocsal, 208
- Chayes, Abram J., 39n, 45n, 203n, 672n, 673, 901n, 909n
- Chen Yi, 124n, 234
- Chiang Kai-shek, 71, 86–87, 91–94, 95n, 97
- Chicago Convention, 516
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Borneo confrontation, 658–659
- Burma, relations with, 86, 116, 118–119, 124, 126, 128–129, 131, 133, 142
- Cambodia, relations with, 184, 201, 241, 293–294, 297–298
- covert activities in, 30
- economic situation, 113, 193
- India, relations with, 101, 117, 135, 213–214, 224, 235, 658, 996
- Indonesia, relations with, 321, 333, 369–370, 387, 694
- Laos, relations with, 921
- military situation, 14, 31
- Pakistan, relations with, 66
- Philippines, threat to, 771–772, 822
- Soviet Union, relations with, 997
- U.N. membership for, 771, 864
- U.S. policy toward, 60, 263, 663n
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of relations with, 997
- China, Republic of, 10, 60, 765, 769–770, 946
- Chinese offshore islands, 350, 356, 361, 765, 771
- Chinmen, 771
- Chit Myaing, Col, 128
- Chitti Nawisathien, Gen., 913–915, 917, 974, 1003
- Chou En-lai, 234, 624, 921
- Church, Mrs., 767n
- Churchill, Winston L.S., 70
- Chutavong, Col. Chalermsak, 108
- Civil Air Transport (CAT), 324
- Clark Field, 792, 824, 852, 927
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 211n, 980n, 994
- Cleveland, Harlan, 474n, 477n, 486n, 530n, 545n, 566n, 579n
- Cleveland, Robert G., 39n, 45n, 72n, 88n, 90n, 158n, 188n, 198n, 874n, 896n, 901n, 908n
- Cliff, Brig. Thomas, 103n
- Clifton, Gen. Chester, 93n, 390–391, 998
- Cline, Ray S., 292n, 980n
- Cochin China (See also Vietnam, Republic of), 218, 241
- Cochran, Merle, 778
- Colby, William, 699
- Collins, Gen. James F., 178
- Colombo Plan meetings:
- Colonialism, 303–304, 367, 540
- Committee of 17, 496, 709
- Committee To Strengthen the Security of the Free World (Clay Committee), 994
- Common Market See European Economic Community
- Commonwealth, British, 747, 755, 758, 816
- Conference of Non-Aligned Nations Belgrade, Sept. 1961, 159–160, 406, 412n, 423n, 427n, 431
- Congo, Republic of the, 366, 369, 380, 404, 481, 612
- Congress, U.S.:
- acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 2954 (P.L. 480), 111, 632, 635, 640, 643, 676, 679–680, 688, 696–697, 703, 745, 781, 867
- Foreign Aid appropriations, 1964, 683
- Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, 766, 793, 819
- P.L. 87–195, 111n
- P.L. 57–616, 809, 819, 821, 826, 829, 837
- P.L. 88–94 (Fulbright-Hays Amendment), 830, 837
- Cambodia, 269
- Indonesia, 407, 666, 668, 672, 677, 682–683, 691n, 697, 733
- Laos, 859–860
- New Guinea dispute, 350
- Southeast Asia, 70, 72
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 43, 58, 892
- Thailand, 867, 876–877, 938–939, 981
- bilateral defense treaty, 89
- acts of:
- Conway, Maj. Gen. Theodore J., 964, 975–977
- Cooley, Harold D., 768
- Cooper, Chester L., 945
- Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 381
- Cortada, James N., 39n, 58n
- Cotton, 640, 805
- Cottrell, Sterling J., 72n, 188n
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 5–6, 82, 223
- Cowen, Myron M., 775–782
- Crockett, William J., 689n
- Cross, Charles T., 88n, 95n, 896n, 901n, 999n
- Cruz (Philippines), 788
- Cuba, 347, 358, 382, 528, 532, 849
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 84n
- Cuthell, David C., 691n
- Czyzak, John J., 39n, 47n, 58n, 224n, 227n, 271n, 288n, 514n, 670n, 837n, 842n, 908n, 999n
- Dabney, Lt. Gen. John A., 2n
- Dap Chhuon, 201
- Dato Ong Yoke Lim, 394, 708–709, 718
- Davies, Richard, 710n
- Davis, Jeanne, 665
- Dawee, Air Chief Marshall Chullasapya, 50, 52, 862, 930, 940, 978
- de Gaulle, Charles, 82, 386
- de Quay, Jan E., 504, 513, 541, 544, 570n, 574n
- Decker, Gen. George H., 631, 792
- Decolonization Commission of 17, 496, 709
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 72, 151n, 206, 253, 407, 444, 743
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 318
- Denmark, 409
- Desai, Manilal Jagdish, 15
- Development Assistance Committee (DAC), 639, 651, 676, 678–679, 681
- Development Loan Fund (DLF), 11, 840
- Dexter, B.G., 412
- Dexter, John B., 72n, 118n, 130n, 131n, 136n, 141n, 158n, 245n
- Diehl, W.W., 634n, 800n
- Diem. See Ngo Dinh Diem.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 634n, 734, 802, 803n
- Dirksen, Everett M., 939
- Disarmament, 164, 185, 369–370, 373, 382, 423n, 523
- Dizon, Col., 833
- Djuanda Kartawidjaja, 534–535, 671, 684
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 936
- Don, Gen., 268
- Douglas-Home, Alec. See Home, Lord.
- Drumwright, Everett F., 86n, 87n, 92–95
- Duke, Angier Biddle, 311n, 708, 794, 811, 833
- Dulles, Allen W., 93n, 390–391, 848
- Dulles, John Foster, 114, 337, 347, 350, 502n
- Dungan, Ralph A., 145n, 146n, 514n, 775, 789n
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 157n
- Dutch East Indies, 431
- Dutton, Frederick, 797n, 818n
- East-West conflict, 147–149, 340, 373–374, 443–445, 540, 547
- ECAFE, 11, 32, 47
- Egypt, 386
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 69, 145n, 148, 259, 840n [Page 1012]
- Ekasak, Gen., 50, 913
- Elizalde (Philippines), 785
- Elting, Howard, Jr., 58n
- Emmons, Arthur B., III, 58n, 461n, 474n, 477n, 486n, 495n, 767, 784n
- Engen, Hans Kristian, 168, 171
- European Economic Community (EEC), 349, 351, 496
- European Free Trade Area (EFTA), 351
- Everton, John S., 109–113, 120–122
- Ewell, Col. Julian, 206, 904
- Ewer, John C., 975
- Export-Import Bank, 437–438, 626, 641–642, 650–651, 791n, 800n, 801–802, 895
- Family planning, 883
- Far East, 444, 540, 547, 606, 644, 843
- Federal Reserve Board, U.S., 800n
- Feldman, Myer, 793
- Felt, Adm. Harry D., 44n, 175, 792, 956
- Thailand, 50–53, 844–845, 927, 928n, 941n, 955, 957, 964, 977–979
- Fensor, Andrew, 670n
- FitzGerald, Desmond, 634n
- Follis, R.G., 673
- Ford Foundation, 111, 113, 119
- Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 819, 837
- Forrestal, Michael V., 75n, 224n, 262n, 266n, 267n, 571n, 598n, 627n, 648n, 691n, 748n, 757n, 927, 928n, 931n
- “Fortress America,” 9
- France, 64, 70, 114, 199, 386, 537n, 554, 759–760, 770, 998, 1000
- Frank, Isaiah, 800n
- Frederika, Queen, 544
- Freeman, James B., 655n, 702n
- Freeman, Orville, 804n
- Fry, Sir Leslie, 685
- Fulbright, J. William, 22, 43, 336, 342, 789n, 818n, 821n
- Galbraith, Frank, 690, 696n, 698
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 504n
- Garcia, Carlos P., 764–765, 768, 771, 773, 774n, 775–779, 781–782, 784–787, 789, 792, 811n
- Gatch, John N., 79n
- Gaud, William, 504n
- Geneva Accords, 1954, 388, 850
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 80, 202, 207, 222, 224, 925, 951–952, 959, 964, 981, 987, 999–1000
- Geneva Conference, 1954, 204–205
- Geneva Conference on Cambodia, proposed, 198–200, 203, 216–217, 219, 261–262, 269, 271–279, 288, 761, 1003–1004
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 8, 14, 850, 854–857, 897, 903, 936
- Germany, 160, 427n
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 107n, 318n, 828, 850–851, 853n, 899n, 904, 929, 945, 947–948, 966n
- Goa, 481, 493, 502n, 503n, 505, 509, 513
- Golds, Anthony A., 754
- Gookin, Richard J., 158n
- Gore, Albert, 789n
- Graham, Frank P., 401
- Grant, James P., 47n
- Greenhill, Denis, 723n, 726
- Gross, Ernest, 554
- Guerrilla warfare, 19, 746–747
- Gunawan, 514n
- Gurkhas, 701
- Gussing, Nils, 982
- Gussing Mission, 217, 273
- Hamilton, Fowler, 31n, 72n, 899n, 904–905, 922n, 980
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 338, 346–347, 353, 355, 358, 360, 362, 394, 398, 410
- Hannah, Norman B., 79n, 129n, 130n, 131n, 141n, 227n, 230n, 245n, 258n, 271n, 295n
- Cambodia, 288
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 634n
- Hardin, Col., 934
- Hare, Raymond G., 310, 311n
- Harkins, Gen. Paul D., 928–931, 934, 941, 944, 949n, 955, 957, 964, 986, 1000
- Harriman, W. Averell, 34n, 45n, 47n, 72n, 116n, 130n,
131n, 198n, 211n, 224n, 262n, 271n, 295n, 473n, 477n, 486n, 490n, 514n, 530n, 536n, 538n, 545n, 557n, 586n, 614n, 621n, 623n, 650n, 658n, 689n, 710n, 725n, 743n, 804n, 814n, 818n, 896n, 901n, 908n, 909n, 928n, 931n, 950n, 958n, 980n
- Burma, 112–115, 136–138, 141, 143
- Cambodia, 155–156, 161, 203–204, 227–229, 259–260, 267n, 268, 276–277, 282–288, 295–296
- Indonesia, 655–659, 699, 701, 703n, 704–705
- Laos, 23, 159, 912, 921
- Malaysia, 726–727, 732–735, 742–743, 748–749, 752, 754–755
- New Guinea dispute, 471, 474, 484, 513, 529, 543, 548
- Philippines, 789n, 796, 798–800, 803, 806, 808–810, 813n, 833
- Southeast Asia, 27, 73, 191
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 39–44, 46, 58–59, 74–75, 78, 906
- Thailand, 904, 918–919, 922, 945, 965, 969–970, 972
- Timor, Portuguese, 738–739
- Vietnam, Republic of, 277
- visits:
- Harrison, Geoffrey, 762
- Hatta, Mohammed, 357, 375–376
- Heavner, Theodore J.C., 158n, 188n
- Hechanova, Rufino G., 825, 833
- Hecksher, Henry D., 333n
- Heinz, Rear Adm. Luther C, 103–107, 129n, 149–151, 211n, 904, 906, 948–949, 959n, 980n
- Helms, Richard, 904, 947–948
- Hepworth (CIA), 211n, 980n
- Herter, Christian A., 324, 337, 350
- Heyl, Mary Jane, 800n, 837n
- Hickerson, John D., 765, 772, 776, 784, 786
- Hilliker, Grant G., 131, 813
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 45n, 81n, 122n, 130n, 131n, 138n, 261n, 262n, 271n, 295n, 658n, 688n, 689n, 725n, 730n, 828n, 884n, 966n, 974n
- Ho Chi Minh, 234, 385, 387–388
- Ho Chi Minh trail, 164–165, 285n
- Hoa Hao, 153
- Hodges, Luther, 804n
- Holt, Harold, 731–735
- Holyoake, Keith, 6, 76
- Home, Lord, 5–6, 77, 503n, 589, 657n, 721, 723–724, 730, 737, 739, 817
- Hong Kong, 853n
- Honolulu Conferences:
- S.S. Hope, 371
- House of Representatives, U.S.:
- Hughes, Thomas, 63n
- Humphrey, Donald D., 406, 419, 425, 437–438, 464
- Huydecoper, Jan L.R., 403, 495, 548, 573, 611
- India (see also India and Indian subheadings under other
subjects), 386, 755, 853n,
936, 997
- British military aid to, 81
- Burma, relations with, 117–118
- Cambodia, relations with, 239, 917
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 101, 117, 135, 213–214, 224, 235, 658, 996
- Geneva Conference on Cambodia, 199, 219
- Goa invasion, 481, 493, 502n, 503n
- Netherlands, relations with, 353
- SEATO role in, 16
- Indochina (see also Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of; Vietnam, Republic of), 64, 70, 159, 759
- Indonesia (see also Indonesia and Indonesian subheadings
under other subjects, New Guinea dispute),
- aircraft service contracts, 697
- army-PKI conflict, 318, 357, 376, 556, 629, 639, 687
- Asian Games, 645
- Australia, relations with, 739, 752
- Australian economic and military aid to, 630, 636
- Bank of Indonesia, 669, 682
- British Embassy, burning of, 683–686
- Cambodia, relations with, 234
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 321, 333, 369–370, 387, 694
- communist domination of:
- Communist Party (PKI) (see
political parties
below), 318, 683n, 687, 693
- banning of, 335
- economic situation in Indonesia, 660, 678, 682
- Malaysia, 713, 753n, 758
- New Guinea dispute, 466, 470, 491, 555
- Soviet support for, 302, 464–465, 655n, 661, 742
- strength of, 387, 426, 443, 540, 582, 626
- Sukarno, relationship with, 312, 318, 328–331, 377, 541, 692
- Thai rebels, support of, 991
- Constitution of 1945, 377
- counterinsurgency programs, 630
- Democratic League, 376
- Development Bank, 420
- economic situation, 329, 370–371, 425, 450–451, 556,
637, 639
- development and stabilization program, 419–421, 660, 664, 675–680, 682, 703, 706, 724, 733
- eight-year development plan, 370–371, 374–375, 381, 390
- Humphrey mission, 406, 419, 425, 464
- Japanese war reparations, 641
- Netherlands, debt owed to, 638, 642, 651
- Soviet Union, debt owed to, 633–634, 636, 638, 641–642, 676, 679
- education, 375
- elections, 376
- ethnic groups:
- expansionism (see also Borneo confrontation; New Guinea dispute; Timor, Portuguese), 657, 692–693
- French economic aid to, 682
- German Federal Republic economic aid to, 682
- Guided Democracy, 329, 369–370, 377, 385–386
- Malaysia, relations with, 260, 656, 677, 686–687, 691, 695, 717, 729n, 744, 834
- Nasakom, 305
- National Front for the Liberation of West Irian, 376
- nationalism, 382–383, 387–389
- Netherlands, relations with:
- New Zealand economic and military aid to, 630
- oil, 381, 419, 667–675, 679, 727–728, 733
- outer-island revolts, 323–324, 376–377, 382, 399n, 661, 753n, 834
- Pantjasila, 305, 377, 386, 690, 693–694
- Philippines, relations with, 656, 717, 722, 728, 744, 822, 814, 816, 833
- philosophy, political, 385–386
- political parties (see also Communist Party above), 386
- rubber, 420
- Soviet economic and military aid to, 303, 318–319, 390, 443, 464–465, 555, 626, 628–629, 638–639, 655–656, 660, 733
- Soviet policy toward, 331, 377, 595
- Soviet Union, relations with, 361n, 532, 591n, 663, 672
- United Kingdom, relations with, 691, 700, 702, 713–714, 729n, 763
- United States, relations with, 304, 532, 595–596, 684, 689–690, 692–694, 706
- U.S. economic aid to, 443, 445, 626–629, 688,
697, 741–742, 763
- Development Grant Program, 641
- economic stabilization and reform, 374–375, 378–379, 381, 390, 419–421, 633–636, 641–643, 664, 675–680, 706
- educational programs, 304, 632, 642
- Humphrey economic mission, 406, 419, 425, 464
- Ibu Sukarno Hospital, 371
- spare parts and raw materials, 635, 641–643, 646, 650, 652–654, 680
- technical assistance, 304, 635, 643
- U.S. military aid to, 304, 319–322, 332, 443, 445, 688, 762–763
- U.S. policy toward, 375–377, 443–445, 639–640, 656–657, 659–662
- Usdek, 377
- West Irian, transfer to Indonesia, 664–665
- Ingersoll, James H., 824
- Ingraham, Edward C., 412, 664n, 670n, 688n, 691n, 721n
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 141n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 437–438, 639, 642, 790, 877, 883
- International Control Commission (ICC), 4n, 100–101, 155, 238, 936
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 11, 113
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 817, 971
- International Monetary Fund (IMF):
- Iran, 454, 668, 858
- Ireland, 620
- Irian, West. See New Guinea dispute; West New Guinea
- Israel, 645
- Iwin, Bo, 112
- Jani, Gen., 321, 655–656
- Janow, Seymour J., 211n, 634n, 650n, 675n, 676, 678n, 681–683, 980n
- Japan, 7, 113, 409, 728, 759, 819, 825
- Jarvis, Francis G., 670n, 800n
- Java, 238, 444
- Jenkins, Alfred leS., 341n, 410n
- Jessup, Philip, 114
- Johnson, Maj. Gen. Briard P., 50, 52, 928, 954, 962
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 764
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 390n
- Cambodia, 262–263, 266–267, 269, 296
- Indonesia, 698–701, 702n, 703–706
- Laos, 765, 856–858
- Philippines, 764–765, 769, 771, 773, 796, 833–834
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 8
- Thailand, 68, 853–854, 857, 960, 1003n
- U.S. military aid to, 860–862, 872, 874, 954, 962, 976, 979
- visit to South and Southeast Asia, May 1961, 7–9, 764–765, 769, 771, 773, 853–862, 868, 890
- Johnson, Pat, 62
- Johnson, Robert H., 233n, 340n, 375n, 627n
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 45n, 47n, 53n, 58n, 59n, 72n, 107n, 131n, 203n, 252n, 258n, 407n, 410n, 474n, 477n, 543n, 554n, 678n, 777n, 778n, 827n, 837n, 874n, 896n, 899n, 901n, 908n, 909n, 912n, 953n, 956, 990n, 993n, 999n
- Burma-Thai relations, 108n
- Cambodia, 172–175
- Kuomintang irregulars in Burma, 98–99
- New Guinea dispute, 429, 436, 451, 455, 457
- Philippines, 780–782, 791–792, 828–829
- Southeast Asia, 9–12
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 21, 25–26, 46, 61–62, 887, 889, 892
- Thailand, 26, 855, 869, 886n, 887, 889, 918, 924, 970–972
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 72
- Jones, Howard D.39n
- Jones, Howard P., 390n, 619n, 648n
- Indonesia, 302–307, 683–685
- Malaysia, 658, 659n, 686, 703, 705–706, 729n, 744–745, 752–753, 762
- New Guinea dispute, 412n, 431, 435n, 436, 517–519, 525,
565, 622–625
- Bunker Plan, 589, 599–603
- Indonesian military intervention in, 473–474, 479–481, 508n, 512, 574n, 606n
- Indonesian position, 487, 497
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 477–478, 482, 511n, 523, 529, 533–535, 564n, 568–570, 592
- pro-Indonesia policy shift, 334, 472
- U.N. negotiations over, 446–447, 449n
- U.S. role in negotiations, 316–317, 461n
- Sukarno visit to the United States, 1961, 312, 314–317, 382
- Jones, Mary Lou, 315, 690
- Judd, Thomas M., 250n, 721n, 725n, 726, 737
- Judd, Walter, 767, 804n
- Kachin Independence Army (KIA), 106
- Kahin, George, 334–335
- Kalimantan (see also Borneo), 694–695, 701, 759
- Kantol, Prince Norodom, 214, 224, 262, 266–267, 283n
- Kaplan, Jacob, 867
- Karel Doorman cruise, 303, 466, 550
- Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), 84, 89n, 99, 105–106
- Katanga, 434, 481
- Katay Don Sasorith, 921
- Kaysen, Carl, 198n, 285, 483n, 490n, 498n, 502n, 510n, 571n, 598n, 650n
- Keita, Modibo, 423, 425
- Kennedy, Ethel, 908n
- Kennedy, Jacqueline, 847, 925–926
- Kennedy, John F., 89n, 122n, 211n, 242n, 574n, 757n, 960n, 980n, 998n
- assassination of, 262n, 266, 269, 698, 700, 761n, 833n, 1003n
- Burma, 116–118, 120, 130–131, 136–138
- Cambodia, 198, 224–225, 233–236, 939
- East-West conflict, 374n
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 854–857
- Indonesia, 340–341, 669–670, 672, 743
- International Control Commission (ICC), 164
- Kuomintang irregulars in Burma, 97n, 98n, 100
- Laos, 4, 114, 145–146, 848–849, 860, 912, 916
- Malaysia, 743, 748
- Netherlands-U.S. relations, 342, 344, 451, 570n, 571
- neutralism, 112, 147, 162–163
- New Guinea dispute, 336, 395, 472–474, 483–484, 513,
612, 619, 625, 645
- Bunker Plan, 582–585, 587, 590–591, 596
- Indonesian military intervention in, 426, 477–482, 503–506, 528, 623–624
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 422–423, 471, 518–520, 536n, 538, 607, 610, 614–615
- Netherlands-U.S. talks, 345–352, 429, 545, 548–551, 558
- U.N. resolutions, 451–452, 455, 457, 459, 462–463
- U.S. policy toward, 437, 440, 490–491, 517
- peace summit proposal, 423n
- Philippines, 783, 794–795, 800, 803n, 814, 818, 822n
- Southeast Asia, 7, 12, 879
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 25, 34, 39–40, 75–76, 885–886, 906, 907n, 916
- Sukarno, personal
relationship with, 304–307, 310–311, 314–316, 336n, 378,
523, 526, 645, 701
- Borneo confrontation, 658–659
- correspondence with, 471–472, 474, 477, 479–482, 487, 490–491, 501, 526, 529–530, 537, 565–566, 568–569, 621–622, 645, 648–649, 662, 664–665, 729–730, 737, 813
- invitation for Kennedy visit, 644–645, 648, 662–664, 674, 691, 693–695
- Washington talks, Apr. 1961, 330, 332–333, 390–391, 399n, 400, 419n
- Thailand, 848–849, 878, 914, 952
- Vienna talks, July 1961, 881
- Vietnam, Republic of, 36–37
- visits:
- Kennedy, Robert F., 107n, 537, 562, 565, 586n, 622n, 627n, 909n
- Kenworthy, Ned, 520
- Khin Nyo, 128
- Khmer-American Friendship Highway, 283–284, 286–287, 291n, 296–298
- Khmer Kampuchea Krom (KKK), 263n
- Khmer Serei, 190n, 230, 254, 273
- Khouw Bien Tie, 682
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 199n, 214, 234–235, 311, 610n, 698, 805, 881, 950
- Kim, Gen., 268
- King, Samuel L., 797n
- Kinney, Robert L., 133, 686, 738
- KLM Airlines, 348, 351, 516, 545–546
- Knoche, E.H., 108n, 595–596
- Knox, M. Gordon, 116n
- Kohler, Foy D., 89, 310n, 314n, 341–343, 345, 352, 361
- Komer, Robert W., 262n, 275–277, 427n, 435n, 455n, 490n, 502n, 510n538n, 586n, 619n, 627n, 658n
- Kong Le, 84n, 147, 921, 1001
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 350
- Korea, Republic of, 350, 696, 759, 770, 792, 825, 938, 945
- Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, Oct 1953, 902
- Korean war, 70, 769, 774, 859
- Koren, Henry L.T, 47n, 53n, 58n, 72n, 73, 118n, 188n, 203n, 222n, 224n, 227n, 230n, 231n, 252n, 254n, 261n, 262n, 271n, 908n, 912n, 923n, 928n, 980n, 999n, 1002n, 1003n
- Kossamak, Queen, 201, 248, 256, 293
- Krause, Henry G., Jr., 74, 79n
- Krit Sriwara, Lt. Gen., 974, 1003
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 938–939
- Kuomintang (KMT) irregulars (see also under Burma), 10, 974
- Kyaw Nyeiri, 124, 128
- Kyi Maung, Col., 123
- Labor unions, 116, 134
- Laking, George R., 59, 754, 937
- Lampson, E.T., 762
- Landon, Kenneth P., 313n, 334n, 840
- Lansdale, Maj. Gen. Edward G., 178–179, 318n, 827–829, 850, 853n
- Laos (see also Laos and Laotian
subheadings under other subjects), 759,
887, 945, 947, 966n
- battles:
- British cease-fire proposal, 100–101
- British military intervention in, 885
- China, People’s Republic of, military intervention in, 52
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 921
- communist threat to, 2–4, 28, 50, 193, 989–990
- defense of, 62, 658, 762, 920, 981
- Fourteen-Power conference (see also Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962), 101, 145, 159, 765
- French military intervention in, 885
- Geneva Agreements, see Geneva Accords, 1954, and 1962.
- Indonesian-U.S. talks, 369–370, 373, 381, 385
- King’s Council proposal, 925
- Kong Le coup, 973
- Kuomintang irregulars in, 10, 86–87, 92–94, 95n
- neutrality of, 162–163, 381–382, 969
- oligarchy in, 387–388
- partition of, 60, 770, 848n, 931–932
- regional cooperation, 32
- SEATO resolution on, 4–7
- SEATO role in, 18, 48, 63, 783n
- Australian position, V, 64–66
- British position, 1, 64–68
- Cambodian position, 165
- French position, 1–2, 64–68
- Laotian request for intervention, 65, 67
- New Zealand position, 1, 64–67
- Pakistani position, 1, 64–66
- Philippine position, 1, 64–66, 770–771, 773–774
- Plan 5, 769, 852, 858, 924
- Thai position, 1, 3, 51, 64–66, 890, 908
- U.S. position, 892, 1001
- Souvanna government, 3, 109–110, 897–898, 901, 903, 912, 913n, 924–925, 952, 981–982
- Soviet airlift, 2, 1001
- Soviet policy toward, 379
- Thai economic and military aid to, 10
- Thai Exiles Association, 973, 988, 991
- Thai military intervention in, 12, 63, 66–68, 858, 916, 980
- Three Princes meetings, 159
- United States, relations with, 72, 349
- U.S. economic aid to, 114
- U.S. military aid to, 114, 843, 916
- U.S. military intervention in, 12, 63, 66–68, 346, 916, 941
- U.S. policy toward, 36, 100, 999–1000
- Viet Minh withdrawal from, 971, 981
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of military intervention in, 50, 925, 959
- Vietnam, Republic of, military intervention in, 12
- Latin America, 675
- Lebanon, 935
- Lee Kuan Yew, 234, 709, 713, 715, 717
- Leimena, Johannes, 370, 382, 384, 390n, 625, 684
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 72–73, 195–196, 206, 443–445, 899n, 926–927, 938, 945
- Levy, Walter, 668–669, 672–673
- Lewis, Verne B., 837n
- Lincoln, Evelyn, 473n
- Lindquist, Robert S., 310n, 368n, 400n, 410n, 461n, 484n, 486n, 506n, 514n, 521n, 558n, 559n, 561n, 579n, 603n, 606n
- Linehan, John A., Jr., 311n
- Lippmann, Walter, 191
- Liu Shao-chi, 124, 234
- Lockhart, Frank P., 245n
- Lockheed, 697
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 268, 276–277
- Lon Nol, Gen., 176–177, 202, 207, 209–210, 262n
- Long, Gus, 673
- Lopez, Salvador P., 759, 815, 817–818
- Lubkeman, Walter, 815
- Lumumba, Patrice, 100
- Luns, Joseph, 496, 574n
- Lutkins, LaRue R., 86n, 90n
- Macapagal, Diosado, 742, 760–761
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 770n, 773
- Macmillan, Harold, 234–235, 237, 422, 486, 503n, 573, 585, 725, 728, 729n, 730
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 776
- Malaya (see also Malaya and Malayan subheadings under other subjects, Malaysia), 717
- Malaysia (see also
Malaya; Malaysia and Malaysian
subheadings under other subjects), 712–717
[Page 1021]
- Australia, relations with, 707, 715
- Borneo confrontation:
- Australian position, 731–733, 737, 744, 752
- Australian troops in, 731–732, 734–736, 739–741, 745, 749
- British position, 737, 739, 744, 752, 757–758, 760, 762–763
- Indonesian military intervention, 713–714, 735, 740
- Indonesian support for Borneo rebels, 699, 701–702, 706, 713–714
- Malaysian position, 758
- New Zealand position, 737
- Philippine position, 758
- Soviet position, 758
- U.S. position, 80, 737–738, 753, 757–759, 762–763
- British economic and military aid to, 711, 716
- British-Indonesia-Malaya conflict, 662
- British-Malaysian defense agreement, 711, 721, 722
- China, People’s Republic of, threat to, 702
- communist influence in, 708
- conferences:
- establishment of:
- Australian position, 710–711, 731–734
- British position, 710–712, 722–724
- China, People’s Republic of position, 658–659, 714, 716, 834n
- Indonesian position, 678–679, 682, 700, 702, 710–711, 718–719, 726–727, 757, 826
- Indonesian-U.S. talks, 656–659, 684–685
- Malayan position, 712, 722
- New Zealand position, 710–711
- Philippine position, 710–711, 716, 726–727, 813, 826, 833, 996
- postponement of, 714, 722–724, 725n
- Singaporean position, 712–713
- Soviet position, 714, 716, 834n
- Thai position, 996
- U.S. position, 80, 662, 684–685, 695, 703, 705–708, 710–711, 720, 726–727
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, position, 834n
- ethnic groups, 707
- Indonesia, relations with, 260, 656, 677, 686–687, 691, 695, 717, 729n, 744, 834
- military situation in, 751
- New Zealand, relations with, 707, 715
- Philippines, relations with, 717, 719
- political parties:
- quadripartite meeting on, 753–756
- U.N. role in, 711, 714, 716, 735, 746, 754–755, 763, 816
- U.N. survey of attitudes toward federation, 682, 693, 721n, 723–724, 726–727
- United Kingdom, relations with, 707, 715
- United States, relations with, 657, 717, 726n
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 711, 716–717, 756
- Malik, Adam, 505n, 559–564, 568, 577, 606, 613, 618–619
- Malinovsky, Marshall, 674
- Manell, Abram E., 999n
- Manfull, MX., 774
- Manglapus, 824–825
- Manhart, Maj. Gen. A.H., 823, 836
- Manila Evening News, 782
- Manila Pact, Sept, 1954, 35, 42, 46, 56, 80, 845n, 906, 935–936
- Manila Summit, July-Aug.1963, 687, 693, 700, 721–725, 727, 833–834
- Mansfield, Mike, 69, 299, 994, 996
- Mao Tse-tung, 624, 674, 827
- Maphilindo, 690, 700, 702, 721–722, 727, 728, 729, 756
- Marcy, Carl, 78
- Marshall, Gen, George C., 71
- Martadinata, Rear Adm. E., 321
- Martin, Edward M., 766
- Martin, Edward W., 86n, 90n
- Martin, Graham, 264n, 268
- Masters, Edward E., 75, 896n, 901n, 918, 953n
- Matsu, 771
- Maung Maung, Brig., 88n, 104, 125–126, 137
- McBride, Robert H., 308, 352
- McCloskey, Robert J., 664n, 999n
- McCloy, John J., 554
- McConaughy, Walter P., 11–12, 101n, 158n, 400n, 410n, 461n, 777n, 778n
- McCone, John A., 72n, 107n, 899n, 966n
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 110, 114
- McEwen, John, 735, 740
- McFarland, James H., 766n, 775, 784n, 793n, 797n, 799
- McGhee, George C., 31n, 314n, 328n, 341n, 506n, 508n, 545n, 557n, 558n, 559n, 566n, 592n, 901n
- McHugh, Col., 380
- McIntosh, Alistair, 754–755
- McKisson, John, 262
- McNamara, Robert S., 2n, 49n, 72n, 115n, 211n, 804, 827n, 853n, 928n, 980n
- Meade, Frazier, 278, 278n
- Meijer (Netherlands), 352, 432
- Mein, John Gordon, 785, 788–789
- Mekong River Project, 11, 27, 32, 60
- Melanesian Federation, 354, 395–396
- Meloy, Francis E., 664n
- Mendenhall, Joseph A., 254n
- Menzies, Robert G., 6, 414
- Messmer, Pierre A., 295, 299
- Mexico, 449
- Meyner, Robert B., 789n
- Military Assistance Program (MAP). See U.S. military aid to under specific countries.
- Milne, Matilda L., 800n
- Mixed Boundary Commission, 228
- Mongolia, U.N. membership for, 772–773
- Monireth, Prince, 201, 248
- Montano (Philippines), 772
- Moore, Dan, 634n
- Morgenthau, Henry, 70
- Morse, Wayne, 315
- Munro, D.J., 412
- Murphy, Robert, 789n
- Murray, Peter, 235, 237, 289
- Murrow, Edward R., 31n, 72n, 627, 631–633, 647, 899n
- Mutuc, Amelito, 788–789, 811–812, 815, 817–818, 825, 833
- Myat Tun, 113
- Myint Thein, 125
- Na Kham, Prince, 108
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 234, 305, 326, 657
- Nasutiori, Gen. Abdul Haris, 321, 329n, 444, 556, 639–640, 731, 763
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Affairs (NAC), 801
- National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 807
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Liberation Front (FLN), 241
- National Security Council (NSC), 55, 444
- Nationalism, 382–383, 387–389
- Naudts, Col., 130
- Navez, Andre, 798
- Ne Win, Gen., 88n
- Ne Win, Mrs., 112, 114, 136n
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 32, 117, 147, 234, 305, 326, 346, 353, 357, 433, 508–509
- Neilson, Paul, 632
- Netherlands (see also Netherlands subheadings under
other subjects):
- India, relations with, 353
- Indonesia, relations with:
- political parties:
- United States, relations with:
- Neustadt, Richard, 70
- Neutral Nations commission (Sihanouk commission), 145–146
- Neutralism, 5, 147, 159, 947
- New Guinea, Australian, 347, 349, 383, 431, 469–470, 508n, 657n, 739, 752
- New Guinea Council. See under West New Guinea
- New Guinea dispute:
- agreement of Aug. 1962, 622n, 648
- Australian position, 303, 345n, 356, 358, 383, 389, 412–414, 489, 498, 620
- Australian-Netherlands talks, 414
- Australian-U.S. talks, 338, 363–365, 409
- British role in, 343, 356, 363–365, 472, 488, 573
- Bunker Plan, 566, 569
- Canadian position, 537
- history of, 337, 466
- Indian position, 433, 620 [Page 1024]
- Indonesian military intervention in, 319, 505, 619
- Australian position, 506, 508n, 619
- British position, 547, 553
- Cambodian position, 509
- China, People’s Republic of position, 350
- diplomacy as alternative to, 311
- Indonesian position, 479–481, 512, 606n, 624
- naval engagements, 506–508, 541, 564
- Netherlands reinforcements, 549–550, 552, 558–559, 565–566
- paratrooper landings, 608, 613–616, 622
- Philippine position, 509
- Soviet position, 350, 502, 584, 606, 609, 614
- U.N. discussion, 502, 619
- U.S. military response to, 493, 502–504, 547, 553, 587, 620
- U.S. position, 310–311, 426, 450–451, 473–475, 479–481, 493, 595, 608–609, 614–618
- Indonesian-U.S. talks on, 383–384, 411–412, 429–432, 460–461
- interim authority (see also Bunker Plan above; U.N. trusteeship and U.N. Temporary Executive Authority below):
- Japanese position, 433
- Malayan position, 317, 353, 433
- Melanesiari Federation, 354, 395–396
- Netherlands-Indonesian agreement, 317, 492, 566–567
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks (see also
- 1950–51, 309, 466
- 1955, 309, 384, 466
- bilateral with third-party representation, 494—499, 514–516, 538–540, 544, 554–555, 603–605, 610, 612, 621
- Indonesian position, 449, 481, 500, 533–535, 548, 592n
- Netherlands position, 461, 498–499
- preconditions to, 496, 500, 510–511, 514–515, 517–522, 530–532, 536, 602–603
- secret, 399, 403–404, 500–501, 505n, 518, 533n, 536n, 539–540, 552, 557–564
- U.N. resolutions calling for, 450, 457, 466–467
- U.S. position, 471–472, 510–511, 527–530, 614–618
- Netherlands-Indonesian war possible, 347–348, 752
- Netherlands-U.S. relations, 343–344, 441–442, 469, 491–492, 570–573, 581–582, 664n, 665
- Netherlands-U.S. talks, 308–309, 394, 410–411, 428–429, 485, 538–542, 573–579
- Papuan position, 309, 560, 576, 579
- Papuan self-determination:
- agreement on, 603
- Australian position, 360, 488
- Bunker Plan, 575, 579n, 580–581
- French African position, 455
- Indonesian position, 399, 430–432, 487–488, 510, 525
- Netherlands position, 308, 317, 341, 348–349, 397, 411, 434, 488, 511n, 551, 596–597
- U.N. role in, 611–612, 615–616, 622
- U.S. position, 356, 393, 397, 433–434, 442, 467, 492
- representative government inauguration of, 342n, 346, 487, 489
- settlement of, 616–617, 622–628, 640, 645, 660, 664–665, 701
- Soviet position, 443, 485, 491
- three-power trusteeship, 553
- U.N. Commission, U.S. proposal for, 442
- U.N. discussion:
- Brazzaville resolution, 461n, 462, 467, 475, 486–487, 492
- Indian resolutions, 462, 467, 476, 487, 492
- Indonesian position, 446–447, 449–453, 453, 455, 457
- Netherlands draft resolution, 441–442, 453–457, 476
- Netherlands position, 309
- U.S. draft resolution, 449–453, 455–458, 460
- U.S. position, 450–457, 475–476
- U.N. Temporary Executive Authority, 622, 648
- U.N. trusteeship:
- Australian role in, 360
- Burmese role in, 355
- Ceylonese role in, 355, 357, 360
- costs of, 313–314
- Indonesian position, 336n, 365, 389
- Malayan administration, 336, 339, 342, 355, 357, 360, 365, 372, 380, 393–395, 397–398, 466
- Netherlands position, 338, 357, 391, 432–434, 476
- Netherlands role in, 360, 362, 434
- New Zealand role in, 355, 360
- Thai role in, 360
- U.N. administration, 392, 395
- U.S. position, 331, 340–341, 364–367, 378
- U.S. diplomatic initiatives, 316, 340–343
- U.S. position, 334, 427–429, 447–452, 555–556, 639
- New Zealand (see also New Zealand subheadings under other subjects), 444
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 3–4, 29, 37, 165, 215, 246, 850
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, 156, 254, 280–283
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho, 154–155, 157, 161
- Nhiek Tioulong, 154–155, 157, 161–162, 248–249, 256–257, 262, 270–271, 279
- Nicolayev (USSR), 880–881
- Nigeria, 409
- Nitze, Paul H., 103, 105, 115n, 131n, 328n, 361n, 909n, 945, 948, 966n
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 234–235, 326
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 29, 156–157, 190n, 194, 231n, 928–929, 964
- Nong Kimny, 162, 168–169, 171–173, 216, 223, 239, 242, 243n, 257–259263, 283n, 286, 295–296
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 860
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial Sessions:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 35, 41, 58, 64, 82, 348, 349, 935
- North Borneo (see also Malaysia), 431, 682, 700, 703, 746, 749
- Novotny, Anton, 234
- Nu, U., 89n, 97–98, 101–102, 104, 109n, 113, 117, 127
- Nuclear free zones, 750–751
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Aug. 1963, 721
- Nuclear testing, 125–126, 160, 185, 235, 566
- Nuclear weapons, 914
- Nugroho, 484, 562
- O’Donnell, Gen. Emmett, Jr., 75n, 964
- Office of Current Intelligence documents:
- Oganesoff, Igor, 917
- Ohn, U., 84–85
- Oil, vegetable, 640
- Okinawa, 18, 792, 927, 949, 998
- O’Neal Emmet, 805
- On Seirt, U., 96, 113
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 150
- Opium, 263n
- Organization of American States (OAS), 888
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 42, 678
- Ormsby Gore, David, 278–279, 657n, 730, 737, 754, 937
- Osmena, Sergio, 788
- Ouan Rathikoun, Gen., 108
- Pakistan, 16, 755, 769, 783n, 853n, 998
- Palar (Philippines), 741
- Palmer, Stephen, 452n, 486n
- Pan American Airways, 95n
- Parades (Philippines), 772
- Paris Accords of 1954, 154, 157, 180
- Paris Foreign Ministers meeting, Aug. 1961, 897
- Parker, Maj. Gen., 904
- Parrott, Thomas A., 904
- Parsons, Chick, 782
- Parsons, J. Graham, 86n, 88–89, 95n, 98n, 145n, 310–311, 313n, 314n, 842n
- Passman, Otto, 245
- Pathet Lao, 84n, 178, 852, 882, 884n, 913, 924, 988, 991
- Pauker, Guy, 325–327, 333n, 334–336, 657
- Pe, U., 95–96
- Peace Corps, 632, 635–636, 641, 643, 646, 649, 764n, 779, 838
- Pelaez, Emmanuel, 77, 719, 782, 786, 788, 796n, 797, 803–810, 815–818, 824–825
- Pell, Claiborne, 994n
- Penn Nouth, 201, 219, 244n, 248, 262, 270–271, 279
- People-to-People Health Foundation, 371
- Peralta, Macario, 814, 822n, 827–829, 831–832
- Perez, Rod, 824–825
- Peters, Richard B., 21–22, 25, 39n, 45n, 47n, 53n, 54, 55n, 58n, 61n, 79n, 81n, 901n, 908n, 918
- Peterson, Avery F., 438, 634n, 791n, 800n, 811n
- Pheng Phongsavan, 163
- Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce, 807
- Philippines (see also Philippines and Philippine
subheadings under other subjects):
- agreements with the United States:
- Barrio Act, 779
- China, People’s Republic of, threat to, 771–772, 822
- combat troop availability, 769, 774, 783, 998
- communist threat to, 7, 444, 810n, 827
- Corrigedor-Bataan memorial, 794n, 805, 818
- economic situation, 790–791, 800–803
- elections, 773, 775–777, 779–780, 782, 826, 828
- ethnic Chinese in, 781, 827
- Huks, 805
- Iglesia Ni Kristo, 788
- Indonesia, relations with, 656, 717, 722, 728, 744, 814, 816, 822, 833
- land reform, 782
- Malaysia, relations with, 717, 719
- political corruption, 776–782
- political parties:
- regional cooperation, 10
- Thailand, relations with, 969
- United States, relations with, 764–765, 773–774, 810, 812–813, 820–821, 823, 853n
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 629, 764, 781, 790, 814–815, 820–823, 831–832, 835–839, 862
- Phoumi Nosavan, Gen., 51–52, 71, 109, 804, 808–809
- Phurissara, Norodom, 242–243, 249, 256–257, 258n, 261
- Phya Srivisan, 941, 1001
- Pickering, Laurence G., 245
- Poage, W.R., 768
- Poole, Walker S., 926
- Pope, Allen L., 323–325, 375, 379, 381, 401–403, 458, 516, 527, 532–534, 537n, 609
- Portugal, 349, 360, 426, 470, 502n, 582, 596, 738
- Portuguese Timor. See Timor, Portuguese
- Posponegoro, Sudjono, 601
- Praphat Charusathien, Gen., 974, 1003
- Preah Vihear Temple, 167, 192, 196, 244n, 951–952, 967, 969
- Preap Inn, 270
- Primicias (Philippines), 772
- Puhan, Alfred, 999–1002
- Puyat (Philippines), 772, 776
- Pye, Lucian S., 333n
- Qadir, Manzur, 6
- Quemoy, 771
- Quinim Pholsena, 163, 996
- Racism, 674–675
- Ranad, Donald L., 837n
- Rand Corporation, 325, 334n, 657
- Read, Benjamin H., 130–131, 245–246, 261–262, 743n
- Recto, Claro M., 776
- Reilly, Patrick, 762
- Rhee, Syngman, 148
- Rice, Edward E., 39n, 45n, 53n, 58n, 79n, 131n, 188n, 198n, 224n, 230n, 245n, 254n, 314n, 506n, 508n, 514n, 536n, 554n, 557n, 558n, 559n, 561n, 566n, 592n, 603n, 664n, 678n, 691n, 702n, 710n, 797n, 812n, 814n, 821n, 896n, 901n, 999n, 1002n
- Rice, John S., 345, 352, 494, 503, 511n, 545n, 549, 568n, 570–572, 590, 664n
- Rice (grain), 134, 640, 650, 695–697, 706, 781
- Richardson, Maj. Gen., 928
- Riggins, Howard, 260
- Riley, Vice Adm. Herbert D., 804n, 814n, 970
- Rio Pact, 41
- Robinson, Col. William B., 814n
- Rolz-Bennett, Jose, 741
- Rome Treaty, 351
- Romualdez (Philippines), 788
- Romulo, Carlos P., 767–769, 773, 784–785, 811n
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 401
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 114
- Rostow, Walter W., 166n, 169n, 173n, 174n, 328n, 333n, 400n, 447n, 473n, 474n, 477n, 483n, 504n
- Cambodia, 161
- Indonesia, 325, 334–335, 371, 380–382, 405, 419, 437–438, 651
- Netherlands-U.S. relations, 343, 363–364
- New Guinea dispute, 340, 364, 367, 391–393, 412n, 423–425, 427, 435, 440–442, 455, 458, 463–465, 473, 554
- Philippines, 775, 789n
- Southeast Asia, 12, 879–880
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 17, 889
- Thailand, 840, 866, 869, 874, 884–886
- Round Table Conference, 352, 358, 465–466
- Roux, Jacques, 223
- Rowland, J.R., 738
- Roxas, Ting, 824
- Rubber, 420, 638, 643, 650
- Rusk, Dean, 31n, 47n, 79n, 86n, 122n, 229n, 242n, 258n, 390n, 394n, 400n, 410n, 427n, 474n, 477n, 530n, 536n, 545n, 558n, 623n, 677n, 753n, 842n, 928n, 950n
- Association of Southeast Asia, 889
- Burma, 116–117, 121, 133–136
- Cambodia, 165–166, 168, 174, 222–223, 227, 233n, 278–279, 282
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 854, 857, 951, 958n
- Indonesia, 302, 696n, 743
- KMT irregulars in Burma, 87, 89–90, 95n, 97n, 98–101, 134
- Laos, 4–7, 848–849, 925
- Malaysia, 686–687, 710–711, 721,
724, 730, 732, 738–742, 754–755, 762–763
- New Guinea dispute, 407, 438–440, 473n, 484n, 513, 543n
- Australian position, 412–414, 468–470
- Bunker Plan, 583, 585n, 587–589, 607, 611–614
- Indonesian military intervention in, 502–503, 508, 550
- Netherlands position, 308–309
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 384, 422–423, 506n, 537–538, 554–555, 603–605, 610, 614–615, 618–621
- Netherlands-U.S. talks, 308–309, 349, 429, 435–436, 484
- U.N. resolutions, 450–452, 458–459, 463
- U.N. trusteeship, 313–314, 336, 341, 393, 395–398
- U.S. policy toward, 437, 490–491, 517, 592
- Philippines, 767–768, 773, 784, 790–791, 795n, 800–803, 828–829, 834, 837
- Southeast Asia, 72–73, 919–920
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 21–22, 25, 37, 39, 44, 55, 76–78, 80–82, 909–911
- Thailand, 840, 874, 919, 945–946, 948, 1002
- Vietnam, Republic of, 850
- Russell, Richard B., 938
- Sabah. See North Borneo.
- Salans, Carl F., 39n, 58n, 78, 129n
- Salant, Walter S., 437
- Salazar, Antonio, 658, 739
- Saleh, Chaerul, 381, 406, 421, 425, 437–438, 464–465, 661, 668–669, 671–672, 684
- Salinger, Pierre, 950n
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 939
- Sam Sary, 191, 240, 251, 281
- Sambath, Huot, 229–230, 239, 289
- Sandys, Duncan E., 737, 762
- Santos (Philippines), 787
- Sarasin, Pote, 13–14, 16, 48, 53–54, 61–62, 74–77, 914n, 967–970
- Sarawak (see also Malaysia), 746, 749
- Sarit Thanarat, 70, 244–245, 922
- Burma, 108n, 114
- Cambodia, 168, 170–172, 242, 923, 960
- communism, 915
- death of, 280–283, 288, 1002–1003, 1004
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 850, 855–857, 951n
- health of, 894–895, 947, 974, 997
- Laos:
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 40, 44n, 51, 890, 907n, 951n
- Thailand:
- defense of, 841–843, 844, 845–847, 868, 904, 913–914, 926, 940–941, 948, 983, 987n, 989, 999–1000
- political situation, 865, 885, 990
- Soviet economic and military aid to, 880–881
- United States, relations with, 53, 215, 840, 874, 911, 967, 981, 995
- U.S. military aid to, 860–862, 975, 979
- U.S. troop deployment to, 854, 928–935, 938, 982–983, 1000–1002
- U.S. withdrawal of forces, 948n, 949, 956–957, 959, 964, 966–968, 971–972, 980
- U.S. view of, 842, 961, 964, 974, 991
- Vietnam, Republic of, 29
- Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 661
- Savang Vatthana, King, 146, 148, 234, 996
- Saw Myint, 128
- Sawang Trachu, 991
- Scherrer, Brig. Gen. E.C.D., 175–178, 202
- Schiff, Emil L.C., 308, 352, 407, 495, 548, 554n, 573, 578, 611, 618
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 166n, 455n, 469n, 498n, 499n
- Schnee, Alexander, 129, 135
- Schneider, David T., 116n
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 589
- Scott, Denny F., 90n
- Scott, Joseph W., 778n
- SEATO. See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.
- Senate, U.S.:
- Serrano, Felixberto M., 4, 6, 764–765, 770–773, 787
- Seta, Gen., 152–153
- Shan States Independence Army, 106
- Shann (Australia), 741
- Shell Oil Co., 670, 685
- Shen (Burma), 87
- Shepard, Capt. Tazewell, 729n
- Shriver, Sargent, 641, 646, 649
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 25, 114, 145–147, 152–153, 196–197, 229–231, 235, 298–299
- communism, 167, 182–185, 187, 880
- deaths of foreign leaders, 281–282, 296
- health of, 244, 248, 297
- neutralism, 159, 167
- neutrality proposals, 201–203, 206–210, 215, 220–228, 233n, 237–240
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 165, 170
- Thai-Cambodian relations, 166–169, 179n, 917, 923, 961
- U.S.-Cambodian relations, 168–174, 175n, 179–181, 233–236
- U.S. view of, 169–171, 969
- Vietnamese-Cambodian relations, 155–157, 160–161, 164–165, 232–233
- visits:
- Sihanouk Commission (Neutral Nations Commission), 145–146
- Singapore, 547, 707, 726n, 755
- Sinha, R.R., 181, 217
- Sirikit, Queen, 847, 925
- Sisavang Vong, King, 147
- Sisco, Joseph J., 203n, 438n, 461n, 474n, 488n, 495n, 506n, 514n, 557n, 561n, 566n
- Sison, Ferdinando E.V., 790–791, 801–802
- Slim, Mongi, 362, 496, 498
- Sloan, Frank K., 634n, 948n
- Smith, Benjamin A., 994n
- Smith, Bromley, 97n, 169n, 258n, 261, 277
- Smith, Gen. Frederick, 792
- Smith, Stephen, 764
- Smith, William Y., 276n, 283n
- Snow, William P., 84n, 85n, 98–99
- Socony Mobil, 670
- Solomon Islands, 384
- Somalia, 404, 433
- Son Ngoc Thanh, 194, 201, 274–276
- Son Sann, 155, 256, 262, 270
- Son Thai Nguyen, 263
- Souphanovong, Prince, 51, 109, 193
- South Pacific Commission, 353–354
- South Pacific islands, 444
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 800n, 801, 804n
- Southeast Asia:
- Australian role in, 80
- China People’s Republic of, threat to, 15–16, 28, 71, 706
- communist threat to, 7–9, 49–50, 387, 445, 540, 847
- countersubversion programs, 18–20, 46, 61n
- defense of, 28–31, 491, 493, 547, 582, 657, 772, 852, 891, 948
- “domino theory”, 3–4, 28, 69
- Indian role in, 20, 27, 32
- Indonesian-U.S. talks, 649
- Japanese role in, 20, 27, 32
- nationalism, 385
- Philippine role in, 805, 829
- regional cooperation, 10–11, 25, 32–33, 60–61, 888–889, 920
- Soviet role in, 27–28, 71
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 8–9
- U.S. military intervention in, 8, 28–31
- U.S. policy toward, 12–13, 31–33, 69–72, 841
- U.S. task force for, 72–73, 783
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, Manila, Sept. 1954. See Manila Pact.
- Southeast Asia Independent Nations Group, 32–33
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO):
- Air Cobra exercise, 52–53
- Australian position, 14, 23–24, 35–36, 40–44, 58, 997
- British/French-Asian disagreement in, 8, 14–15, 22–24, 34, 37–38, 947
- British position, 8, 22–25, 35–36, 40–41, 58, 922
- British withdrawal from, 46, 908
- Council meetings, 935
- countersubversion planning, 54–57
- Exercise Dhanarajata, 998
- French position, 8, 25, 35–36, 40–41, 82, 888, 922, 997
- French withdrawal from, 46, 64, 68, 908
- Graduate School of Engineering Bangkok, 11
- Laos, council resolution on, 4–7
- New Zealand position, 35–36, 40–41, 44
- Pakistani position, 19, 23, 58, 82
- Philippine position, 19, 23, 36, 42, 58, 770–771, 773–774
- Plan 5, 769, 852, 858, 924
- regional cooperation, 14
- Thai position, 13–16, 24, 34–36, 38–41, 51, 59, 885–890, 970n, 997
- Thai-U.S. talks, 887–888
- Thai withdrawal from, 2, 23, 26–27, 33, 44–45, 915–916
- U.S. position, 48–49, 55–57, 75–76, 79–80, 968
- voting procedures, 23–24, 34–44, 53–54, 58–59, 64, 74–80, 888, 891–893, 908–910, 923, 997
- Souvanna Phouma, 23, 51, 114, 118, 146n, 147, 164–165, 980n, 1000
- Soviet Union, 199
- Sparkman, John, 804n
- Special Group (Counter-Insurgency), 181, 631, 899n, 904–906, 947
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spender, Percy, 470
- Spinks, Charles N., 84n, 310n, 708n, 884n
- Spivack, Herbert D., 243–244
- Sprouse, Philip D., 196, 217–221, 237–240, 287, 964
- Stahl, Capt. Paul L., 49n, 115n
- Stalin, Joseph, 70
- Standard Oil Co. of California, 670
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 670
- Standard Oil Co. of Texas, 670
- Standard Vacuum Oil Co. (STANVAC), 667, 670, 672, 679
- Stavropoulos, Constantine A., 611
- Steeves, John M., 88n, 310n, 314n, 368n, 390n, 438n, 477n, 488n, 784n
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 27, 162, 165, 382, 394, 429–434, 455, 475, 499n, 508–509
- Stevenson, William E., 789n, 796, 798, 806–812, 813n, 815, 818–821, 823–825, 831–832
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 146
- Stone, Galen L., 484n, 486n, 495, 506n, 510n, 514n, 538n, 554n, 557n, 573, 611, 618, 621n, 623n
- Stonehill, Harry, 782
- Subandrio, 387, 655, 661, 671, 739
- Indonesia:
- Malaysia, 684, 686–687, 700, 741, 744, 759, 834
- nationalism, 385–386, 388–389
- New Guinea dispute, 316, 364, 390,
435n, 436, 497,
- Bunker Plan, 580, 598, 607
- Indonesian military intervention in, 507, 508n, 512, 574n, 608–609, 614–615, 623
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 477n, 482, 501, 510–511, 521, 592n, 609–616, 618–619
- Papuan self-determination, 487–488, 509
- settlement of, 617, 624–625
- troop reinforcement, 558–559
- U.N. negotiations over, 446–447
- U.S.–Indonesian talks, 411, 412n, 430–432, 438–441
- U.S. view of, 370
- visits:
- Subardjo, 496, 508, 516
- Subic Bay Naval Base, 824
- Subibjo, 685
- Sudjarwo, 699
- Suez crisis, 326
- Sugar, 767–768, 794–795
- Sukarno, 234, 556
- Afro-Asian bloc leadership role, 306, 312, 326–327, 330–331
- CIA attempts to overthrow, 70, 692, 696n, 699
- communism, 312, 318, 328–331, 377, 541, 692
- health of, 447, 590
- helicopter, U.S. gift of, 380, 407, 474
- Indonesia:
- Kennedy, personal relationship with, 304–307, 310–311, 314–316, 336n, 378, 523, 526, 645, 701
- Malaysia:
- Nasution, relationship with, 305–306, 655–656
- nationalism, 382–383, 387
- New Guinea dispute, 340, 367–368, 436, 446–447, 550,
571n, 583, 605,
- Bunker Plan, 568n, 580, 589, 597–602, 607
- diplomacy vs. military action, 311, 464, 468, 479–483, 485, 487, 490–491, 498–499, 609
- Indonesian military intervention in, 426, 474–475, 477–478, 507, 574n, 623
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 422–423, 471, 529, 545, 563–564, 568–570, 592–593
- Soviet view of, 305, 312
- Timor, Portuguese, 658
- U.S. view of, 369–370, 375–377, 444
- visits:
- Manila, Nov. 1963, 834
- Soviet Union, 1961, 311, 368, 392, 400
- United Kingdom, proposed, 343
- Vienna, Oct. 1961, 447, 449
- Washington, 1956, 326
- Washington, 1964, 705
- Washington, Apr. 1961, 306–307, 311–312, 314–316, 330, 332–336, 343–344, 346, 350, 359, 363–366, 368–375, 378–391
- Washington, Sept. 1961, 422–427
- West New Guinea, Apr. 1963, 665
- Sukarno, Madame, 315
- Sullivan, William H., 211n, 393n, 461n, 670n, 691n, 726, 980n
- Sultan of Brunei, 713
- Sultan of Jogjakarta, 601
- Sumarno, Gen., 601, 685
- Sumatra, 324, 444, 737, 739, 834
- Sumulong (Philippines), 772
- Sunthorn (Thailand), 913
- Suryadarma, 324
- Suthi Suthisarn Ronakary, Gen., 915
- Sweden, 449
- Swezey, Anthony C., 874n
- Symington, Stuart, 789n
- Taber, Gen., 262n, 290
- Tacon, Maj. Gen. Avetin P., 831–832
- Taft, Robert H., 70
- Taiwan (see also China, Republic of), 30, 370, 825
- Taiwan Straits crisis, 1958, 84n
- Talbot, Phillips, 12, 15, 116n, 504n, 770
- Tank, Martin M., 814n
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 12, 107n, 166n, 206–210, 211n, 627n, 783, 880, 980n
- Taylor Mission, 440n
- Thailand (see also Thailand and Thai subheadings under
other subjects):
- agreements with the United States:
- Agrimetro plans, 30, 873, 899, 914
- Australia, relations with, 38
- Australian troop deployment to, 68, 76, 939, 958, 978, 982, 998
- Bowen mission report, 883, 886n, 900, 905
- British troop deployment to, 68, 939, 958, 966, 970n, 978, 998
- Buddhism, 865, 974
- Burma, relations with, 11, 111, 128, 134, 895, 996
- Cambodia, relations with, 166–170, 179n, 185, 192, 207–211, 917, 923, 960, 997
- China, People’s Republic of, threat to, 50, 962–963, 1003
- Communist Party, 973–974
- communist threat to, 193, 843, 846, 863–866, 884–885, 904, 913, 947, 986–991
- defense of, 595, 762
- defense of (see also U.S. troop deployment to below)
- ethnic groups, 884, 984–985
- family planning in, 883
- Geneva Conference on Cambodia, 199–200
- Khmer Serei activities, 251, 253, 257, 264
- KMT irregulars in, 10, 99
- Malaya, relations with, 10
- military value of, 28–29
- neutralism, 947–948
- New Zealand troop deployment to, 68, 939, 958, 978, 982, 998
- Pathet Lao forces in, 913, 988
- Philippines, relations with, 969
- political situation, 865, 989
- Pork Federation scandal, 990
- Preah Vihear Temple, 167, 192, 196, 244n, 951–952, 967, 969
- psychological warfare, 879, 914
- regional cooperation, 10, 14, 32–33
- SEATO role in, 14, 841, 844, 846, 849, 850, 885–886, 908–910, 935, 1003
- Soviet economic and military aid to, 880–881
- Soviet Union, relations with, 23, 50
- U.N. role in, 985
- United States, relations with, 17–18, 72, 76, 196, 212, 840, 980–982, 995–996
- U.S. economic aid to, 629, 872, 894, 983, 985, 1004
- U.S. military aid to, 186, 259, 629, 844, 926, 961, 963, 985, 992–993, 1004
- U.S. policy toward, 9, 994–995
- U.S. troop deployment to (see also defense of above), 30–31, 62–63, 75–76, 937, 939, 983, 1000–1002
- Vietnam Democratic Republic of, subversion in, 50
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 29
- Than Pe, Commodore, 103n
- Thanat Khoman, 44n, 114,
134, 249, 961
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 853n, 856, 951
- health of, 895
- Laos, 6, 843n, 881–882, 896–898, 921–925, 1001
- Malaysia, 741, 743–744, 755–756, 759
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 13, 17, 21, 55, 57, 76–78, 80, 916, 918–920
- Thailand, 874, 880–881, 906–907
- U.S. view of, 922, 967
- visit to the United States, 46, 53–54, 62, 906, 918–921, 924–925
- Thanom Kittikachorn, 862, 895, 974, 1002–1004
- Thant, U., 199n, 203n, 510n, 936
- Thawi Chulasap, Air Chief Marshal, 108
- Thi Han, U., 103, 110, 133–136
- Thompson, John S., 129n, 250n
- Tibet, 84n
- Timor, Portuguese, 347, 349, 431, 556, 655n, 657–658, 691, 738–739
- Tin, 642, 708n
- Tin Pe, Brig., 110, 996
- Tioulong. See Nhiek Tioulong.
- Tito, Josep Broz, 234, 306
- Tobacco, 768
- Tonesk, William J., 718
- Touart, Lt. Col. Anthony J., Jr., 178
- Touch Kim, 256
- Trimble, William G., 147–149, 151n, 152–156, 158, 162, 169, 171, 173, 178–188, 229, 283n
- Truman, Harry S., 668
- Trumbull, Robert, 232n
- Tubby, Roger W., 311n
- Tucker, Gen. Reuben H., 941n
- Tunisia, 449
- Tunku. See Abdul Rahman, Putra Tunku.
- Turkey, 148
- Tyler, William R., 400n, 405n, 410n, 422n, 427n, 452n, 474n, 477n, 484n, 486n, 488n, 495n, 508n, 521n, 530n, 538n, 545n, 554n, 557n, 558n, 559n, 561n, 566n, 579n, 586n, 592n, 614n, 621n
- Umar, Gen., 685
- Unger, Maj. Gen. F.T., 998
- Unger, Leonard, 47, 50–53, 188, 285, 853n, 909n
- United Kingdom (see also British and United Kingdom subheadings under other subjects), 351, 770, 1000
- United Nations Charter, 204, 411, 744, 936
- United Nations (see also United Nations and U.N:
subheadings under other subjects), 166
- Afro-Asian group, 311
- China membership issue, 22n, 87
- Commission on Indonesia, 350
- General Assembly, 54, 62, 133, 158, 686, 722
- neutralism, 27
- Papuan visit to, 582
- Resolution 1514 (XV), 432
- Security Council, 42, 502, 572, 604, 619
- Soviet attacks on, 370
- Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA), 576–577, 584, 622, 648
- Timor, Portuguese, 738
- Uniting for Peace procedure, 620
- Unna, Warren, 596
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 73, 290, 873, 905
- U.S. Information Service (USIS), 631–632, 878
- U.S. Intelligence Board, 2, 115
- Us Say, Lt. Col., 290
- Usher, Richard E., 53–54, 95n, 842n
- van Roijen, Jan H., 510
- Netherlands-U.S. relations, 542–543, 565, 581–582
- New Guinea dispute, 405n, 468, 488, 505n, 509,
519, 548–551
- Bunker Plan, 583, 588, 611–616
- Netherlands U.N. initiative, 448–449
- Indonesian military intervention in, 308–309, 502, 520–521, 558
- Netherlands-Indonesian talks, 403–404, 495–498, 515, 529–531, 554, 559–560, 562–563, 568–569, 594, 618–621, 604, 606, 610
- Netherlands-U.S. talks, 345–350, 352–353, 355–357, 359–363, 573–579
- U.N. trusteeship, 394
- West New Guinea, 342
- Vichit, Luang, 895
- Viet Cong, 3, 28, 50, 285, 298
- Viet Minh, 61, 153, 192, 350, 387, 932, 971, 981
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (see also Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, subheadings under other subjects), 14, 31, 973
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also Vietnam,
Republic of subheadings under other subjects), 9, 887, 904, 946–947, 993
- Australian economic and military aid to, 76, 937
- Buddhists in, 237
- Cambodia, relations with, 166–168, 170,
185, 207–211, 297n
- airplane seizure incident, 157, 202, 208
- border incidents, 213, 215, 218, 265–266, 267n
- breaking of, 213, 216
- Cambodian dissidents, 188–189, 196–197, 201, 230–231, 241–243, 250, 254
- cattle raid, 194
- French position, 155, 157
- U.S. position, 10, 159–160, 238
- Viet Cong infiltration of Cambodia, 151n, 152–157, 161, 231–233
- Cambodian minority (Khmer Krom), 154, 164, 218, 231n, 241, 246, 263n
- China, People’s Republic of, policy toward, 4
- communist access through Laos, 51
- communist threat to, 2–4, 28, 50, 335, 382
- coup against Diem government, 247–248
- defense of, 470, 541, 550, 658, 762, 771, 811, 916, 902–903, 911, 914, 920, 933, 981
- defoliation operations, 180–181
- Indonesian policy toward, 385
- intelligence gathering in, 52
- Khmer Serai activities, 251, 254, 257, 264
- Khmer Serei radio broadcasts, 241, 249, 254, 257, 263n, 264, 268–271, 274–276, 279–280, 296
- military situation, 60
- neutralism, 277, 298
- New Zealand economic and military aid to, 937
- oligarchy in, 387–388
- political situation, 3–4, 27
- regional cooperation, 19, 32
- SEATO role in, 6, 48, 170, 892
- Soviet-U.S. talks on, 60–61
- Taylor Mission, 440n
- Thai economic aid to, 10–11
- Thailand, relations with, 29
- U.N. membership for, 770
- United States, relations with, 72–73, 212, 349, 853n, 969
- U.S. military aid to, 186, 259, 850, 862, 898, 956
- U.S. military intervention in, 31, 75–76, 850–851, 853n
- Vietnam, unification of, 183–184, 277
- Vietnam Task Force, 73, 152n, 188n
- Visutr Arthayukti, 841n, 846–849, 887, 889, 918, 924, 952, 970, 994–995
- Voice of America, 964–965
- Volta River Project, 462n
- Vu Van Mau, 155, 157, 190
- Wallace, Henry, 70
- Waller, J.K., 753n
- Wallner, Woodruff, 314n, 341n, 400n, 438n, 484n, 508–509, 559n, 603n, 614n, 618, 621n, 620
- Wallop, Lt. Gen. Rochanawisut, 52, 108, 913–916, 918, 920–921, 924
- Wan Waithayakun, Prince, 192
- Warner, Frederick A., 754–755
- Weiss, Leonard, 800n
- West New Guinea (see also
New Guinea dispute), 487, 791
- ethnicity of, 353
- flag-raising ceremony, 487, 489
- International Development Authority, 405n
- Netherlands military strength in, 348, 356, 362, 473n
- New Guinea Council, 342n, 344, 346, 353–354, 497
- Papuan independence movement, 582
- plebiscite, 366–367, 384, 433–434, 481, 512, 572, 605, 611–612, 615–616
- sovereignty, Netherlands willingness to relinquish, 446, 448, 479–481
- transfer to Indonesia, 664–665
- U.N. visiting Commission, 404–407, 409–411, 413, 422, 424–425, 427–429, 431, 448, 459, 486, 476
- West Papua. See West New Guinea.
- Wheat, 640
- White, John P., 39n, 784n, 837n
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 324
- Whiting, Allen S., 250n
- Wilson, Donald M., 804n
- Win, U., 125, 128
- Wongsanith, 296
- Wood, Chalmers B., 230n, 231n
- Woolf, Donald L., 116n
- World Court. See International Court of Justice.
- Wright, Oliver, 737
- Wright, William M., 188n
- Wyatt, Wilson W., 668–669, 672–673, 679, 743
- Yani, Gen. See Jani, Gen.
- Ye Htut, Bo, 125, 127
- Yeh, George, 87, 92–93
- Yost, Charles W., 283n, 296, 510, 686
- Young, Kenneth T., 81n, 874n, 917
- Cambodian-Thai relations, 172, 189n
- Laos, 882, 898, 900, 901
- Southeast Asia, defense of, 28–31
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 13–19, 21, 38, 44–45, 54, 56–58, 62, 907n, 909
- Soviet-Thai relations, 881
- Thailand:
- communist threat to, 863–866, 986–987
- counterinsurgency, 906
- defense of, 909, 940–941, 953–954, 973–974
- United States, relations with, 856, 893, 924, 955, 965
- U.S. economic aid to, 846–847, 894–896, 918, 920, 963, 983
- U.S. military aid to, 862, 867n, 868, 870–873, 894–896, 926, 955, 962–963, 979, 983
- U.S. troop deployment to, 928–931, 933–934, 939–944, 949n, 956–957, 986
- Yulo, Jose, 777–782
- Zablocki, Clement J., 692, 767, 784, 799, 804
- Zain, Zairin, 370, 382, 394, 490n, 562, 614, 632, 674, 686, 699
- Zeya, Bo, 124, 127