232. Telegram From the Embassy in Indonesia to the Department of State0

1448. For the President and Secretary of State. From the Attorney General. Embtel 1445.1


It was our distinct impression that Sukarno would be willing to enter negotiations without preconditions.

I suggest this could be used with Dutch to assure that discussions would achieve a successful solution. It would be unfortunate if two parties sat down at our urging and no solution developed.

It seems clear that Indos are absolutely firm on transfer of administration of West New Guinea to Indonesia but will make concessions on self-determination and other matters to obtain this.

[Page 526]

The Ambassador and I both feel Sukarno will concede on preconditions issue if we are willing push in this matter. If the Dutch do not come through we would feel that they had let us down.

We have made it quite clear that no guaranty can be given but we would be misleading Indos if there was not a good chance of success as result of talks.

I am seeing Sukarno again Sunday, February 18. It would help very much if I could have a short message from President Kennedy containing expression of good will for President Sukarno and a statement that together the two Presidents, after this issue has been resolved, can work together to bring about tremendous progress for all free peoples. Sukarno is a great admirer of President and values his feelings highly. A message from President Kennedy at this point might tip the balance and result in getting negotiations underway.2 Any further suggestions would be most welcome.

In discussion today we kept strictly in bounds of Deptel 907.3 I consider we have reasonably good chance of success at this point on very important matter. In my judgment Indos will fight unless this issue is resolved, and this would be full of dire implications for the free world in Asia.

If Sukarno does agree to come to negotiations without preconditions, can we tell him in confidence that the US will bring pressure on the Dutch during the negotiations to ensure that transfer of administration of West New Guinea to Indonesia is incorporated as part of solution?

My appointment with Sukarno is at Bogor Palace at 9:30 Sunday morning, which means I must have message and suggestions not later than Saturday evening Djakarta time February 17.

Request niact reply.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 656.9813/2–1462. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution.
  2. Document 231.
  3. Telegram 921 to Djakarta, February 15, contained a personal message from President Kennedy to President Sukarno, approved by Kennedy, to be delivered by Robert Kennedy. (Department of State, Central Files, 033.1100–KE/2–1562)
  4. Document 230.