164. Letter From the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (Williams) to the Secretary of Defense’s Deputy Assistant for Special Operations (Lansdale)1

Dear Ed: This is in reply to yours of 8th.2

About last of April I was handed a “draft” message, I know it now to be the one you referred to. D[urbrow] asked permission to scold Diem and threaten him with slow down or stop of mil. aid. I questioned advisability of the threat. There was much discussion between D[urbrow] and … G[ardiner] of USOM. I thought the whole thing was left up in the air for D[urbrow] to study further. I’m fairly positive that the draft had been written for him as he was not familiar with some of the wording. I presumed, in error, if it was to be corrected and sent out it would be sent to me for comment. I never saw it again. I considered it a most ill-advised piece of work and assumed … had written the draft as he knew most about it.

On the 14th May I saw the message dated 2 [3] May3 and to my utmost surprise read in the last line that I had concurred! This could have been an honest error but I do not believe so. However, at the same time I saw State’s reply4 which said the threat could not be used so—to avoid another fight that could have gained nothing—said nothing. Thank Christ you were able to guess something was wrong and thus influence the answer from State. Now to carry this a bit further. D[urbrow] told us at small meeting that he had scolded Diem and that he had taken it. M[i]n. T[huan] told me the Pres told D[urbrow] that (and I quote verbatim) “I am more concerned with conditions here than Wash. because I see a deterioration between VN [Page 464] and the U.S. based on such false reports.” T[huan] told me Diem was white with anger. It was described by D[urbrow] to Diem as a verbal note but when conference was over D[urbrow] didn’t leave any note with Diem. T[huan] said to have a copy of a “verbal” note was proper. That Diem then sent for his For Min and told him to get a copy. That the For Min had been unsuccessful. T[huan] is making a big point of this in his conversation with me. Frankly T[huan] is plenty worried and honestly I am too. Something is going on here. Messages never fail to carry little remarks about Br. are worried, Fr. are worried, Germans etc., etc. One said “I have suggested” they (Br. & Fr.) get instructions from their Gov. to have words with Diem. What the hell. Is this a one man campaign to ruin Diem? Why? Personal hate? Today at C.T. [Country Team] meeting he told us he had been asked by various heads of missions if the US was looking for a replacement for Diem and that if any of us should be asked the same question we were to say that the US supported Diem. Who in the hell would [have?] asked me such a question. In a message to State5 he reports these questions to him and suggests that news of some of his lectures to Diem had “leaked.” However he leave [sic] a doubt that maybe they too see things are “bad” and think we would be looking for some one. He asked me in open C.T. meeting today if I thought some elements might be grooming Big Minh as his replacement. I was so taken back I had him repeat the question. In front of a room full of people how long will that be a secret? What rumors will spread from it? Is this an attempt to kill Big Minh?

I don’t believe anyone here other than T[huan] or Diem know that we know each other and they won’t find it out from me. State asked VN Amb if request for you to come out had been taken up with me and VN answered in negative, so says T[huan]. In State query to D[urbrow], mentioned above, it said “answer in this same channel” so he is probably not using normal channels & could be sending anything. One more item D[urbrow] is afraid of … and I’ve come to believe … is encouraging him to smear Diem… . Regardless of how subtle a smear is being conducted a man that makes such remarks in public can’t be smart.

I was happy to see TWX from DA6 saying my nomination had gone to Senate for retirement in present grade. I thought surely some one would try to block that and will not feel safe until I hear that Senate has acted. Once I get that news the wraps will really be off.

Hope to see you soon—here.

  1. Source: Center of Military History, Williams Papers, Lansdale, 1960 (136). Personal and Confidential. Printed from a carbon copy of the handwritten letter.
  2. Not found. Reference is apparently to a document different from that mentioned in footnote 3, Document 155.
  3. Document 150.
  4. Document 157.
  5. In telegram 3220 from Saigon, May 17. (Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/5–1760)
  6. Not found.