134. Electronic Message From Robert Linhard of the National Security Council Staff to Steven Steiner, Ronald Sable, Rodney McDaniel, and Robert Pearson of the National Security Council Staff1
- New Soviet Proposal in Geneva
At joint plenary today (11 June),2 Soviets tabled new proposal on START. Full details unclear as yet, but the framework of the proposal as follows:
—1600 Strategic Nuclear Delivery Vehicle (SNDV) ceiling for each side; includes Subs carrying SLCM’s. Includes Strat Bombers.
[Page 536]—Number and type of Subs carrying SLCM’s would have to be agreed; SLCM banned from surface ships; each bomber or SLCM-carrying sub would be ASSUMED to be carrying a “standard loading” (presumably “standard loading” to be agreed, not clear.)
—8000 warhead limit on ALL SNDV’s—including bomber and SLCM loadings.
—No more than 60% of SNDV’s or Whds of any one type. (e.g. ICBM’s, etc.)
—Forward-based systems are not included in the agreement, EXCEPT that there is an associated OBLIGATION not to build up FBS—defined as medium bombers, medium-range missiles (i.e. LRINF or SRINF), or aircraft carriers.
—US must also pledge not to deploy additional medium-range missiles (i.e. LRINF) in AREAS THAT COULD REACH THE USSR.
—The Soviets also pointed out that this agreement would be reachable in the context of an agreed extension to the ABM treaty. They said their proposal to ban space-strike arms was still on the table, but this agreement was not linked to that—the ban on space-strike arms was linked to the 50-percent reductions proposal they had tabled previously. This is a preliminary reading from ACDA. More details will no doubt be filtering in later today. We will provide you additional information as it is available and significant.