- Abramowitz, Morton “Mort,” Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State from February 1, 1985 until 1986; Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from 1986 until 1989
- Adelman, Kenneth, Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations; Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from April 1983 until December 1987
- Akhromeyev, Sergei F., Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces from September 1984
- Allen, Lew, Jr., General, USAF; Chief of Staff until June 1982
- Allen, Richard V., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 21, 1981, until January 4, 1982
- Andropov, Yuri, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from June 1983 until February 9, 1984
- Arbatov, Georgii, Director of the Institute for U.S.A. and Canada Studies
- Armacost, Michael H., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 1984
- Armstrong, Anne, Chair of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from October 1981
- Aspin, Leslie “Les,” Congressman (D–Wisconsin)
- Baker, James A., III, White House Chief of Staff from January 1981 until January 1985; Secretary of the Treasury from February 1985 until August 1988
- Baldrige, Malcolm H., Secretary of Commerce from January 1981 until July 1987
- Barrow, Robert, General, USMC; Commandant of the Marine Corps until June 1983
- Bessmertnykh, Alexander, Minister at the Soviet Embassy in Washington until 1983; Chief of the USA Department, from 1983 until 1986; Deputy Foreign Minister from 1986 until 1988
- Biden, Joseph, Senator (D–Delaware)
- Block, John R., Secretary of Agriculture from January 1981
- Boverie, Richard, Member of the Defense Policy Directorate of the National Security Council from 1982 until 1983
- Brandt, Willy, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Bremer, L. Paul, III, Executive Secretary, Department of State, from February 1981 until March 1983
- Brezhnev, Leonid, General Secretary of the Soviet Union until November 1982
- Brock, William E., III, United States Trade Representative from January 1981
- Buckley, James L., Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology from February 28, 1981, until August 20, 1982; Counselor of the Department of State from September 9, 1982, until September 26, 1982
- Burns, William F., General, USA; Joint Chiefs of Staff Representative to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Negotiations from November 1981 until June 1984; Joint Chiefs of Staff Representative to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Negotiations from February 1985 until December 1986; Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control in the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs from December 1986 until January 1988; Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from January 1988
- Burt, Richard R., Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from January 23, 1981, until March 1982; Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs from February 18, 1983, until July 18, 1985; thereafter U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
- Busey, James B., Admiral, USN, Vice Chief, Naval Operations, from 1985 until 1987
- Bush, George H.W., Vice President of the United States from January 1981
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, Deputy Secretary of Defense from February 4, 1981, until December 31, 1982; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from December 2, 1986, until November 5, 1987; thereafter, Secretary of Defense
- Casey, William J., Director of Central Intelligence from January 28, 1981, until January 29, 1987
- Chain, John T., Jr., General, USAF; Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from July 1, 1984, until June 14, 1985; Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command from June 22, 1986
- Cherne, Leo, Vice Chair of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from October 1981
- Chernenko, Konstantin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from February 1984 until March 1985
- Clark, William P., Jr. “Judge,” Deputy Secretary of State from February 25, 1981, until February 9, 1982; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 4, 1982 until October 17, 1983
- Cohen, William, Senator (R–Maine)
- Cooper, Henry F., Deputy Negotiator for Defense and Space, Office of Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms with the Soviet Union, Department of State
- Crowe, William J., Jr., Admiral, USN; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1, 1985
- Dam, Kenneth W., Deputy Secretary of State from September 1982 until June 1985
- Deaver, Michael K., Deputy White House Chief of Staff and Special Assistant to the President until May 1985
- deGraffenreid, Kenneth E., Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, Intelligence Directorate, National Security Council until December 1986
- Dicks, Norman, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D–Washington)
- Dobriansky, Paula J., Deputy Director, European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, National Security Council until 1984; thereafter Director, European and Soviet Affairs Directorate
- Dobrynin, Anatoly, Soviet Ambassador to the United States until May 1986
- Dodd, Christopher, Senator (D–Conneticut)
- Dubinin, Yuri, Soviet Ambassador to the United States from May 1986
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., Assistant Secretary of State (Designate) for European Affairs until May 14, 1981; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from May 14, 1981, until January 26, 1982; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 12, 1982
- Edwards, James B., Secretary of Energy from January 1981 until November 1982
- Fortier, Donald R., Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director, Policy Development Directorate, National Security Council until 1985; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1985 until August 1986
- Gates, Robert M., Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, from January 1982 until April 1986; Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, from September 1983 until April 1986; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from April 1986, Acting Director of Central Intelligence from December 18, 1986, until May 26, 1987
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Glenn, John, Senator (D–Ohio)
- Glitman, Maynard “Mike,” Deputy Chief U.S. Arms Negotiator, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Negotiations, from 1981 until 1983; Chief U.S. Negotiator, Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Talks, from 1983 until 1985; Chief U.S. Arms Negotiator, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Negotiations, from 1985 until 1987
- Goldberg, Sherwood “Woody,” Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State until June 1982
- Gompert, David, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs from 1981 until 1982; Deputy to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from 1982
- Gorbachev, Mikhail S., General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from March 1985
- Gore, Albert S. “Al,” Jr., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D–Tennessee) until 1985; Senator (D–Tennessee) from 1985
- Gorman, Paul, Gen., Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Gray, Alfred M., Jr., General, USMC; Commandant of the Marine Corps from July 1, 1987
- Gregg, Donald, member, National Security Council Staff until July 1982; thereafter, Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs
- Gromyko, Andrei, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Soviet Union, until July 1985
- Haig, Alexander M., Jr., Secretary of State from January 22, 1981, until July 5, 1982
- Harper, Edwin, Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
- Hartman, Arthur A., U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, from October 1981
- Hayakawa, S.I., Senator (R–California)
- Hayward, Thomas B., Admiral, USN, Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy until June 30, 1982
- Helms, Jesse, Senator (R–North Carolina)
- Herrington, John, Secretary of Energy from February 1985 until January 1989
- Hill, M. Charles, Executive Secretary of the Department of State until January 1, 1985; thereafter Executive Assistant to the Secretary
- Holmes, H. Allen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until September 1982; U.S. Ambassador to Portugal from September 1982 until June 26, 1985; Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs from April 14, 1986
- Howe, Jonathan T., Rear Admiral, USN; Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense until May 1982; Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from May 10, 1982, until July 1, 1984
- Ifft, Edward, Senior Department of State Representative to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
- Iklé, Fred C., Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from April 1981 until February 1988
- Inman, Bobby R., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from February 1981 until June 1982
- Jones, David C., General, USAF; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff until June 1982
- Kampelman, Max M., Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe until 1983; head of U.S. human rights mission to Europe in 1984; Head of the Delegation and Head Negotiator for Defense and Space, Office of Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms with the Soviet Union, Department of State
- Karpov, Viktor P., Head of the Delegation and Head Negotiator for START, Nuclear and Space Talks with the United States in Geneva; Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR
- Kassebaum, Nancy, Senator (R–Kansas)
- Keel, Alton G., Jr., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from July 15 to November 24, 1986; Acting President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs from November 25 to December 18, 1986; Ambassador to NATO from December 18, 1986
- Kelley, P.X., General, USMC; Commandant of the Marine Corps, from July 1983 until June 1987
- Kent, Glenn, General, USAF, Designer of the Single Integrated Operational Plan
- Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., U.S. Representative to the United Nations from February 1981 until April 1985
- Kissinger, Henry, former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Secretary of State during the Nixon and Ford administrations
- Korniyenko, Georgii, First Deputy Foreign Minister, Soviet Union
- Kraemer, Sven, member, National Security Council Staff from 1981 until 1987
- Kvitsinskiy, Yuliy A., Head Negotiator for Defense and Space, Nuclear and Space Talks with the United States in Geneva, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union
- Lehman, Ronald, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy from 1981 until 1983; Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of Defense Programs and Arms Control June 1983 until January 1986; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1986 until March 1986; United States Negotiator on Strategic Nuclear Arms from March 1986 until February 1988; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy from February 1988 to May 1989
- Lenz, Allen, Staff Director of the National Security Council from January 1981 to 1982
- Linhard, Robert, Colonel, USA; Member of the Defense Policy Directorate of the National Security Council Staff until 1983; member of the Defense Program and Arms Control Directorate of the National Security Council Staff from 1983 until January 1986; thereafter Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate from January 1986
- Lugar, Richard, Senator (R–Indiana)
- Mathias, Charles, Senator (R–Maryland)
- Matlock, Jack F., Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, National Security Council from 1983 until April 1987; thereafter, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union
- McDaniel, Rodney, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council from 1986 until 1987
- McFarlane, Robert C. “Bud,” Counselor of the Department of State from February 28, 1981 until April 4, 1982; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1982 until November 1983; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1983 until December 1985
- McMahon, John N., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from June 1982 until March 1986
- Meese, Edwin “Ed,” III, Counselor to the President from January 1981 until January 1984; Attorney General of the United States from January 1984 until July 1988
- Mitterand, Francois, President of France from May 1981
- Mobbs, Michael, Assistant Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from October 1985
- Montgomery, Hugh, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from October 1981 until January 1985
- Moreau, Arthur, Adm, Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from May 1983 until October 1985
- Murphy, Daniel, Adm., Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice President, from 1981 until 1984
- Nance, James “Bud” W., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, from January 1981 until January 1982
- Negroponte, John, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, from November 1987
- Nitze, Paul, Chief U.S. Arms Negotiator, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Negotiations, from November 1981 until 1984; Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Arms Control from December 1984
- Nunn, Samuel “Sam,” Senator (D–Georgia)
- Obukhov, Aleksey, Deputy START Negotiator (USSR) from 1981 until 1983; Head of the INF Group rounds I though V, head of the START group VI and VII, head of the NST delegation for rounds VII and VIII
- Palmer, Robie Marcus Hooker “Mark,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Soviet Affairs from 1982 unitl 1986
- Pearson, W. Robert, Member, National Security Council Staff, from 1985 until 1987
- Pell, Claiborne, Senator (D–Rhode Island); Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Percy, Charles H., Senator (R–Illinois) from 1967 until 1985; Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1981 until 1985
- Perle, Richard N., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy from August 1981 until May 1987
- Pipes, Richard, Director of East European and Soviet Affairs, National Security Council from January 1981 until December 1982
- Platt, Nicholas, Executive Secretary of the Department of State and Special Assistant to the Secretary from January 7, 1985
- Poindexter, John M., Rear Admiral, USN, Military Assistant to the President from April 1981 until November 1983; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1983 until December 1985; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from December 1985 until November 1986
- Powell, Colin, Colonel, USA, Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, from July 1983 until June 1986; thereafter Lieutenant General; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from December 1986 until November 1987; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 5, 1986, until January 20, 1989
- Reagan, Ronald W., President of the United States
- Reed, Thomas C., Consultant to the National Security Council Staff from January 1982 until June 1982; Special Assistant to the President from June 1982 until December 1982
- Regan, Donald, Secretary of Treasury from January 1981 until February 1985
- Ridgway, Rozanne L., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs from 1985
- Rixse, Jay, Special Assistant to Secretary of Defense
- Rogers, Bernard, General, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, until June 1987
- Rostow, Eugene V., Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from July 1981 until January 1983
- Rowen, Henry S., Chairman, National Intelligence Council from July 1981 to September 1983
- Rowny, Edward L., General, USA; Chief U.S. Arms Negotiator to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks until 1984; Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Arms Control Matters from 1985
- Sarbanes, Paul, Senator (D–Maryland)
- Schneider, William, Associate Director, Office of Management and the Budget
- Scowcroft, Brent, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs during the Ford administration; Chairman of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces from December 1982
- Shevardnadze, Eduard, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union from July 1985
- Shoemaker, Christopher, Member of the Defense Policy Directorate, National Security Council Staff until 1982
- Shultz, George P., Secretary of State from July 16, 1982, until January 20, 1989
- Simons, Thomas W., Jr., Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State from 1982 until 1985; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Yugoslavia from 1986
- Specter, Arlen, Senator (R–Pennsylvania)
- Spiers, Ronald I., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, until October 1981
- Stearman, William, member, National Security Council Staff from February 1981
- Stevens, Paul Schott, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council from November 1987
- Stockman, David, Director, Office of Budget and Management from January 1981 until 1985
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 1981 until January 1982; Deputy Secretary of State from February 11, 1982, until September 22, 1982
- Taft, William Howard IV, General Counsel, Department of Defense from April 1981 until February 1984; Deputy Secretary of Defense from February 1984
- Thatcher, Margaret, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- Thayer, Paul, Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 1983 until January 1984
- Timbie, James, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State for Arms Control from 1983
- Tower, John. G. Senator (R–Texas) until January 3, 1985; Head START Negotiator, Office of Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms with the Soviet Union, Department of State
- Tsongas, Paul, Senator (D–Massachusetts)
- Ustinov, Dmitri F., Soviet Minister of Defense until December 1984
- Velikhov, Yevgeny P., Vice President, Soviet Academy of Sciences and Scientific Advisor to Gorbachev
- Vessey, John W., Jr., General, USA, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff from June 1982 until September 1985
- Vuono, Carl, General, USA; Chief of Staff of the Army, from June 1987
- Walters, Vernon A., U.S. Ambassador at Large from July 22, 1981
- Warner, John, Senator (R–Virginia)
- Weinberger, Caspar W. “Cap”, Secretary of Defense from January 21, 1981, until November 1987
- Webster, William H., Director of Central Intelligence from May 26, 1987
- Welch, Larry, General, USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force from July 1986
- West, Francis J., Jr. “Bing”, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense until April 1981, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from April 1981 until April 1983
- Wheeler, Michael O., Colonel, Staff Secretary, National Security Council Staff, from 1982 until 1983
- Whitehead, John. C., Deputy Secretary of State from June 1985
- Wick, Charles Z., Director, United States Information Agency, from June 9, 1981
- Wickham, John A., General, USA; Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, from 1983 until 1987
- Wolfowitz, Paul, Director, Policy Planning, Department of State, from January 1981 until December 1982; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs from December 1982 until March 1986; United States Ambassador to Indonesia from April 1986
- Zimmerman, Warren, Deputy Head of the Delegation, Office of Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms with the Soviet Union, Department of State, from May 1985