294. Memorandum From Robert Linhard, Ronald Lehman, and Sven Kraemer of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)1
- Draft NSDD on Pursuing the Umbrella Talks
The basic issue addressed by this package is whether the US should, for the time being, continue to pursue a more general approach to the “umbrella talks” (along the lines of NSC developed Option 1½)2 or [Page 1068] should now (perhaps in the context of the upcoming Shultz-Dobrynin and Hartman-Gromyko meetings) supplement the “umbrella talks” concept with additional and more specific initiatives (along the lines of State’s Option 3).
Per guidance provided by Admiral Poindexter, Tab I3 provides a memorandum for the President which frames the issue and recommends a draft NSDD, provided at Tab A,4 for the President’s approval.
The text of the draft NSDD has not been discussed with anyone outside of the immediate NSC staff. The publication and normal distribution of an NSDD on this subject could quickly become a matter of public record and trigger unproductive speculation just prior to the election. The recent SACPG tasking ensures that the appropriate staffs have the guidance needed to pursue the approach recommended.5 Therefore, we would recommend that after the President’s review and approval, the NSDD be very closely held and used only as needed and with appropriate discretion.
That you sign the memorandum for the President (Tab I) and forward the draft NSDD (Tab A) for his consideration and signature. If possible, that you personally walk the President through the issues involved.6
- Source: Reagan Library, Ronald Lehman Files, Subject File, Umbrella Talks 10/24/1984–11/04/1984. Secret. Sent for action. Matlock concurred. On a routing slip attached to this memorandum, Poindexter wrote: “I think the NSDD is good. You may feel you are a little beyond the point of the cover memo, although everything that has been done is consistent with it. JP.” McFarlane then wrote: “Pls run my proposed chgs by Ron Lehman.” On the draft of the NSDD, McFarlane made substantial changes to the last paragraph, which were reflected in the final version signed by Reagan. See Document 298.↩
- See footnote 1, Document 277, and footnote 5, Document 291.↩
- See Document 297.↩
- See footnote 1, above, and Document 298.↩
- Presumably a reference to McFarlane’s October 12 memorandum to the SACPG members that provided instructions for taskings related to the Umbrella Talks. (Reagan Library, Ronald Lehman Files, Subject File, Umbrella Talks 10/24/1984–11/04/1984) See also footnote 6, Document 305.↩
- McFarlane did not initial his approval or disapproval of the recommendation; however, a signed copy of the memorandum went forward to Reagan. See Document 297.↩