282. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Ecuador1
309103. Subject: Electoral Process in Danger Again. Ref: Quito 8399.2
1. (C—Entire Text)
2. The Embassy’s recent reports, which have been very well done, on the renewed threat to the successful completion of the retorno process are disturbing. As appropriate, you and other senior officers should of course continue to stress to President Poveda and other GOE Officials that the USG considers the return to democratic rule as an important issue governing the amicable development of our bilateral relations.
3. This position was communicated to both Duran Ballen and Roldos during their private visits to Washington.3 Duran Ballen, although expressing concern over the future of Ecuador under a Roldos administration, steadfastly reiterated that the process would be respected by all Ecuadoreans. Roldos appeared confident that he would be the overwhelming winner in the run-off elections, and said he was “optimistic” that the elections would be held.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780505-0520. Confidential; Immediate. Sent for information Immediate to the consulate in Guayaquil. Drafted by Guerra; cleared in ARA and ARA/AND; approved by Vaky.↩
- In telegram 8399 from Quito, December, 1, the Embassy reported on what it believed was “a renewed conspiracy to abandon the retorno process entirely. That conclusion, in conjunction with other events, means that the retorno is in serious difficulty. The Supreme Council of Government could step in in support of the process, but might not be willing to do so again.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780496-1095) In telegram 8512 from Quito, December 9, the Embassy reported that the retorno process “now seems firmly on track again.” (National Archives, RG59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780510-0635)↩
- In telegram 312269 to Quito, December 11, the Department reported on the visits of Duran-Ballen and Roldos to Washington. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780511-0143)↩