215. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter1
- Sale of I-Hawk Missiles to Singapore (C)
At Tab A is a memorandum from Cy Vance,2 recommending that you reconsider your November 1977 decision denying the sale of I-Hawk surface-to-air missiles to Singapore.3 At that time there was a difference of opinion on whether the sale would have been consistent with our arms transfer policy, and, since you approved an accompanying grenade launcher coproduction request, you decided against the I-Hawk sale. Cy and Harold now believe that the sale would not violate the arms transfer policy, and that foreign policy considerations argue strongly in favor of the sale. I concur with this assessment, as do ACDA and OMB.4 (S)
In arms transfer terms, the sale would not constitute the first introduction into the region of a newly-developed, advanced weapons system: The Vietnamese possess an even more capable SAM inventory, and the I-Hawk, though certainly a sophisticated system, is over 10 years old and has a shorter range than the British Bloodhound it replaces. Further, the sale can be accommodated within the FY 79 arms transfer ceiling. (S)
As Cy points out, the foreign policy arguments in favor of the sale are much stronger now in view of the Vietnamese occupation of Kampuchea, and the resulting desire of the ASEAN nations to improve their defensive capabilities. This sale would provide tangible assurance, both to Singapore and our other ASEAN friends, of continued United States interest in the security of that region.
That you approve the sale of I-Hawk missiles to Singapore, thereby authorizing notification to Congress of the proposed sale.5
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Brzezinski Office File, Country Chron File, Box 47, Singapore. Secret. Sent for action. Carter initialed the top right-hand corner of the page.↩
- Not attached. The April 27 memorandum from Vance to Carter is ibid.↩
- See Document 203.↩
- Carter highlighted this sentence by placing a vertical line in the left-hand margin.↩
- Carter checked the approve option and initialed in the right-hand margin adjacent to the recommendation.↩