164. Letter From President Carter to Thai Prime Minister Kriangsak1

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

Thank you for your letter of January 31, 1978.2 I very much appreciate receiving your thoughts on the current situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia and the policies of your Government. Your references to the long-standing ties between our two countries which have led to our special friendship is most welcome.

I also wish to thank you for your gracious invitation to visit Thailand. Unfortunately, a large number of key domestic and foreign issues prevent me from accepting your invitation this year.

I have, though, asked Vice President Mondale to act as my personal representative in visiting several nations of the region, including Thailand.3 His trip is a clear indication of the importance which we attach to Asia and the Pacific, and particularly to continuing and strengthening our close relations with special friends and allies. I am pleased that the dates he has suggested are convenient for you and am certain that he will be received by your Government and people with the same warmth and hospitality evidenced in your letter to me. He speaks for me and with my full confidence.


Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Brzezinski Office File, Country Chron File, Box 50, Thailand: 1977–1978. No classification marking.
  2. See Document 163.
  3. Mondale visited Southeast Asia April 29–May 10. See Documents 129, 167, and 168.