156. Letter From President Carter to Burmese President Ne Win1

Dear Mr. President:

I want to express my special thanks and admiration for the deep commitment you have made to deal with the narcotics problem.

Following his recent visit to your country, Dr. Peter Bourne has told me not only of your determination to deal with this problem, but also of the progress you have already made against both the cultivation and the trafficking of drugs.2

The entire world community joins in applauding your efforts.


Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, Box 2, Burma, President U Ne Win, 6/77. No classification marking. Thai Prime Minister Thanin Kraiwichian received an identical letter. (Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, Box 19, Thailand, Prime Minister Thanin Kraiwichian, 6/77)
  2. See Document 155.