142. Memorandum From Secretary of State Muskie to President Carter1

[Omitted here is material unrelated to Libya.]

5. Expulsion of Libyan Students: Ali El-Houderi, head of the Libyan People’s Bureau, returned from Tripoli with guidance from Libyan authorities in response to our recent representations requesting that certain student leaders as well as one activist member of the People’s Committee leave the country.2 El-Houderi came in today and made the following points:

—Libyan authorities have a great desire to see relations with the United States improved and hope a new page can be turned.

—The Committee has already communicated the request for voluntary departure to the students involved. Some students have already departed. Others will be leaving at the end of the fall semester. Some, however, wish to remain and the People’s Bureau claims it has no legal means of compelling their departure.

—The People’s Committee member has resigned. He will leave when he completes his degree work in December.

This is progress, but we will assess whether it effectively reduces the possibility of renewed violence against Libyans living here or whether we should take stronger measures. (C)

[Omitted here is material unrelated to Libya.]

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 24, Evening Reports (State): 11/80. Secret. Carter initialed the memorandum.
  2. Not further identified. In a November 3 memorandum to Carter, Muskie wrote: “Ali El-Houderi, Head of the Libyan People’s Bureau, has returned to Tripoli to seek guidance on how to respond to our October 31 request for the cooperation of the People’s Bureau in arranging the voluntary departure from the US of certain Libyan students and a diplomat.” (Ibid.) The October 31 request was not found.