342. Memorandum From Acting Director of Central Intelligence Carlucci to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1
- Possible Policy Options—Iran
Our response to the second part of your July 17 memorandum on this subject was conveyed in a paper handcarried to you by the DCI on U.S. non-lethal options. This paper was dated 30 July.2 I am attaching a paper responding to the first part of your memorandum requesting an evaluation of possible stronger covert action against Khomeini.
Acting Director
Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office File, Box 87, For President or Brzezinski Only File, Iran Sensitive 5/80–10/80) Secret. Hunter forwarded the memorandum and attachment to Aaron under an August 18 covering memorandum, noting that “a good deal more elaboration and detail before SCC consideration” was necessary. Aaron drew a line through the sentence in which Hunter asked whether any further action was needed. (Ibid.)
↩- The actual date of the paper was July 25. See footnote 4, Document 328.↩
- Secret.↩