156. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1

9708. Subject: Begin Letter to President—Sadat Visit.

1. At meeting with Prime Minister Begin (1800 local) at his home in Jerusalem, Prime Minister gave me letter to President Carter, text [Page 776] below. He asked me to stress sensitivity of contents. Letter is being shared only with Dinitz in Washington and with Prime Minister’s closest advisors here. Report on meeting with Begin follows septel.

2. Begin text.

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you now in the wake of our telephone conversation of November 21.2

President Sadat and I agreed to continue our dialogue on two levels: the political and military. Meetings will take place, hopefully soon, between a personal representative of President Sadat who enjoys his full confidence, and Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan who, of course, has my complete confidence and that of the Cabinet. At the same time, the Defense Ministers of our two countries, General Gamassi and Ezer Weizman, will seek to work out arrangements to make an unintentional armed clash between us impossible.

President Sadat and I agreed to go to Geneva as soon as feasible, but no date was determined. President Sadat wishes the Conference be prepared on the substantive issues. These we discussed in preliminary manner. We promised each other to discuss them further in the future, knowing that we have differences of opinion concerning the contents of the peace treaties we seek to negotiate and sign. To make clear our positions, I gave the honored guest our draft peace treaty and the covering letter addressed by Foreign Minister Dayan to Secretary of State Vance.3

I feel, Mr. President, that President Sadat’s visit, the reception he received by our parliament, government and people, as well as the nature of our private meetings and exchanges, are good for Egypt, Israel and for the cause of peace. We shall continue the dialogue on all levels for the purpose of concluding peace treaties.

May I again express to you, Mr. President, my deep gratitude for your contribution to this last development. We shall need your understanding and help in the future.

Yours respectfully and sincerely, (signed) Menachem Begin. End text.

3. Suggest Department repeat this message to Cairo.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840072–2373. Secret; Niact Immediate; Nodis; Cherokee.
  2. See Document 153.
  3. See Document 100.