3. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense Brown to President Carter1


  • FY 1978 Budget Revisions

Attached for your approval are my recommended adjustments to the FY 1978 Department of Defense budget request. I believe they accurately reflect the conversations we have had, but they should be formalized for the record.2

Harold Brown


Paper Prepared in the Department of Defense3

Department of Defense—FY 1978 Budget Revision

Summary of Approved Issues

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Budget Authority ($ in Millions)
B–1 Bomber—Slow down and re-evaluate program. Reduce planned FY 1978 buy from 8 to 5 aircraft. −280.0
MX Missile—Defer full-scale development. −160.0
Follow-on Interceptor—Defer funding of advance procurement items until FY 1979. −26.3
Minuteman III—Cancel FY 1977 missile procurement except for 60 each guidance sets and stage III motors. FY 1977 savings will be reprogrammed. (−100.0)
Polaris Overhaul—Defer procurement of long lead items for 2 ship overhauls scheduled in FY 1979. −27.2
SRAM B—Defer procurement of production missiles 1 year to match new B–1 schedule. −23.4
Total Strategic Nuclear Forces −516.9
AWACS—Reduce procurement in FY 1978 from 6 to 3 aircraft. −150.0
Non-Nuclear Lance—Cancel FY 1978 procurement of 360 missiles. FY 1977 funds ($64.6M) will be used for spare nuclear missiles and termination costs. −77.7
HAWK Missile System—Cancel FY 1978 procurement of 6 sets of ground support equipment. −35.3
Advanced Attack Helicopter—Slow development. −100.0
Cruise Missile—Accelerate development of the ground launched missile while slowing the anti-ship version. N/C
F–15—Reduce FY 1978 procurement to 78 aircraft from 108 aircraft. −334.0
A–7E—Terminate production. Use FY 77 funds for spares. −24.4
CH–53E—Delay procurement one year. Provide additional RDT&E funds to fully fund development program. −62.0
NATO Airfield Readiness—Increase FY 1978 funding of aircraft shelters, passive defense measures, and facilities at collocated operating bases. +60.0
Advanced Tanker Cargo Aircraft (ATCA)—Defer procurement program 1 year. −276.6
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) Modifications—Fund 8 (vice 4) cost-shared mini-mods in FY 1978. +15.0
Facilities for Prepositioned Stocks in Europe—Fund additional maintenance facilities for prepositioned equipment and igloos for prepositioned ammunition. +50.0
Total Ground, TacAir and Mobility Forces −935.0
Nuclear Strike Cruiser (CSGN)—Delete long lead funding and cancel construction of FY 1979 CSGN. −187.0
SSN—Reduce FY 1978 program from 2 to 1 SSN. Production schedule will hold at 2 per year. −230.0
Patrol Hydrofoil Program—Delete FY 1978 funding for the conversion of an LST to a PHM support ship. Restructure and reduce prior year program. −43.0
FY 1977 and prior year savings. (−144.5)
Frigates (FFG)—Defer 2 ships from FY 1978 construction program to later years. Fund long lead-time items to sustain deployment schedule and force objectives. −282.0
Reactor Components—Reduce FY 1978 procurement recognizing adequate inventory levels funded through FY 1977. −149.9
Total Naval Forces −891.9
Naval Reserve—Reduces paid drill strength by 40,000, shifting reservists assigned to lower priority billets to the Individual Ready Reserve (2 week training). −50.0
Retirement Reform—Delete funding for implementation of retirement reforms now delayed pending re-examination. −25.0
University of the Health Sciences—Closes University. −14.1
Total Manpower −89.1
Construction—Restore certain urgent and operationally important projects unlikely to be affected by the current base structure review. +200.0
Equipment Readiness—Increase effort on ship and aircraft overhaul and equipment repair to increase the number of ships and quantity of equipment in ready-for-combat condition. +280.0
Communications and Electronics Equipment—Defer procurement of communications and electronics equipment of lower priority or with high development and production risk. −91.6
Army Equipment—Defer procurement of lower priority items of equipment or with high developmental or production risk. −528.8
Air Force Equipment—Defer procurement and test programs of lower priority or with developmental or production risk. −92.2
Navy Equipment—Reduction of procurement funds as a result of schedule slips, program cancellations and pricing adjustments. −30.0
Total Other Investment −262.6
Intelligence −25.0
Flight Operations—Reductions based on improved operational efficiency without impairing readiness. −54.5
Total Operational Efficiencies −79.5
Total FY 1978 −2,775.0
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 9, Budget: FY 1978 Defense Budget Revisions: 2/77. For Official Use Only.
  2. Carter signed his approval at the bottom of the memorandum.
  3. For Official Use Only.