155. Summary of a Paper for the 40 Committee1


CIA recommends [dollar amount not declassified] for a covert action program to:

—Protect the gains made by moderates in 25 April elections;

—Strengthen and develop democratic institutions and organizations;

—Develop relationships with and support Portuguese leaders who will work within the democratic system;

—Influence the Armed Forces Movement toward democratic, pluralist decisions.

Where possible, third countries would be used.

There would be six major targets:

Political parties—determine needs, offer help for basic organization, seminars in political organization.

AFM—work through [less than 1 line not declassified] to host AFM officers for seminars promoting democratic solutions; use unilateral and liaison contacts to promote same goals.

—[less than 1 line not declassified]—work though European [less than 1 line not declassified] to channel aid [less than 1 line not declassified]

Leaders—tailor programs to bring leaders into contact with outside world and increase their organizational skills.

Constituent Assembly—subsidize travel of foreign journalists to cover proceedings; support visits by European Parliamentary Union and individual parties.

Labor and Farmers—support free trade unions; promote farmers’ cooperatives.

[Typeset Page 526]

CIA also proposes a media campaign to show the AFM that there is international disapproval of the elimination of democratic processes.

These covert efforts are designed to complement overt program of the U.S. and European governments.

[less than 1 line not declassified] so higher authority approval would be required. A Presidential Finding and notification of Congressional committees would also be necessary.

  1. Summary: The paper summarized a proposal for covert action in Portugal.

    Source: National Security Council Files, Ford Intelligence Files, Portugal—GRF. Secret. This paper summarizes a July 12 memorandum to the 40 Committee on “Proposals for Political Operations in Portugal;” a note on the memorandum reads, “Approved by higher authority on 8 August 1975.” (Ibid.) On August 8, Kissinger told the 40 Committee that the proposal was “a scattering of effort.” Hyland asked, “What are we trying to do? Do we want to back Soares, Antunes, or what? Maybe we ought to go to Antunes and say we are going to back you to the hilt.” Colby replied, “We want to help the moderates and let them work out their own relationships.” Kissinger said, “This they will never do.” Kissinger instructed Hartman to chair a working group to devise an action and strategy plan, commenting, “Art, we want action, not philosophy. We’ve got to do something. The President has been bugging me to do something.” (Ibid., 40 Committee Meetings, Minutes/Approvals, 1975 GRF) No record of an August 8 discussion between Kissinger and Ford on Portugal was found. Under cover of an August 11 memorandum, Hartman forwarded to Kissinger an undated paper entitled, “Proposal for Further Covert Action in Portugal.” (National Archives, RG 59, Records of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Entry 5403, Box 15, Misc Docs, Tels, Etc., 1975)