151. National Security Study Memorandum 2211
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Deputy Secretary of State
- The Director of Central Intelligence
- U.S. Security Interests in the Azores
The President has directed a priority review of U.S. security interests in the Azores. The study should identify:
—The political and military significance of U.S. base rights and facilities in the Azores in terms of their contributions to both U.S. and NATO security interests.
—U.S. policy and options under the range of possible conditions including: continuation of existing base arrangements, a Portuguese request for more limited U.S. access and use, a Portuguese demand for U.S. withdrawal from the Azores, or a U.S. decision to withdraw.
—Alternative arrangements, if required, for the transfer of essential Azores operations to other locations, including an examination of the military and political implications of such relocation, and the pros and cons associated with various relocation sites.
The study should take into account, as appropriate, the work already carried out in response to NSSMs 189, 196 and 208.
The President has directed that the study be undertaken by an ad hoc NSC interagency group comprising representatives of the addressees of this memorandum and a representative of the NSC staff and under the chairmanship of the representative of the Department of State. The study should be forwarded no later than April 14, 1975, for consideration by the Senior Review Group.
Summary: The President directed a priority review of U.S. security interests in the Azores.
Source: Ford Library, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box 35, NSSM 221—U.S. Security Interests in the Azores (2). Secret; Exdis. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the JCS.