14. National Security Study Memorandum 1831


  • Secretary of State
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Secretary of Treasury


  • Principles for a Declaration on Atlantic Relations

The President has directed that a set of principles be prepared that will govern our relationship with our Atlantic partners. These principles should be designed to serve as the basis for a Declaration to which our NATO Allies—and eventually Japan in some form—might adhere.

The principles shall:

—Define and articulate the common principles of the Atlantic nations;

—Describe a comprehensive framework within which the members of the Alliance will pursue their economic, political, and security objectives; and indicate the basic principles in each element of the relationship—political, military, economic;

—Lay the basis for a new consensus on Alliance security requirements, as well as for a rational and intelligible strategy, and equitable and effective defense contributions to realize these objectives;

—Manifest continuing support for the cause of European unity;

—Invoke the concepts of a broad political approach, reciprocity, and the will to make mutual concessions in our economic relationship;

—Include specific U.S. commitments in principle (e.g. maintaining U.S. forces, etc.).

The President desires that these principles then be incorporated in a draft declaration which can be discussed with key European leaders and submitted to our Allies for their views and contributions with the objective that it shall be ready for signature and public disclosure at the time of his visit to Europe. A recommended timetable and scenario for preparation of this document and consultations with the NATO Allies [Typeset Page 63] and, as appropriate, with the European community also should be prepared.

At the same time the foregoing statement of principles and the declaration should be considered in the light of possible adherence by Japan. Without sacrificing the essential character of the principles as they should apply within the NATO Alliance, the declaration should be so cast as to facilitate Japan’s adherence in some form. Where Japanese adherence to a particular aspect of the declaration might compromise its essential Atlantic elements, alternate language should be submitted. A separate timetable and scenario should be prepared for handling the adherence of Japan.

This study should be prepared by the NSC Interdepartmental Group for Europe and should be submitted not later than May 24, 1973 for consideration by the NSC Senior Review Group.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Summary: The President directed that a set of principles be prepared to govern the U.S. relationship with its Atlantic partners.

    Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 1054, Institutional Materials, NSC Institutional Papers—May 1973 (2 of 2). Confidential. Copies were sent to the Chairman of the JCS and the DCI.