389. Memorandum From Richard Kennedy and W.R. Smyser of the NSC Staff to the Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft), Washington, September 28, 1974.1 2


September 28, 1974


SUBJECT: Thai Force Level Plans

NSDM 249 of March 23, 1974 required:

“The Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Director of Central Intelligence and the Deputy Secretary of State should submit recommendations on alternative long term (FY 76 and beyond) U.S. military force levels in Thailand and proposed withdrawal plans to support each of the alternatives. These recommendations should be submitted not later than June 30, 1974, for consideration by the NSC Senior Review Group.”

Defense has been dragging its feet with the acquiescence and support of State. Meanwhile, Kintner has proposed in a recent cable a plan to draw down to no more than 7,000 U.S. personnel.

We must get a handle on this to get a genuine examination of the options taking into account all of our interests in Southeast Asia (which would include but not be limited to those involving Kintner’s perception of our relationship with the Thai). The paper which the three agencies have worked on and on which they apparently have reached substantial agreement, would by “coincidence” almost exactly parallel the Kintner proposal and would offer no real options or analysis.

The memorandum at Tab A to Wickham would call attention to the NSDM requirement, express the President’s interest in reviewing the force levels and the issues prior to the decision and request that the paper be submitted no later than October 4, 1974.


That you sign the attached memorandum at Tab A to General Wickham.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–245, NSDM 249, Folder 4. Secret. A handwritten notation from Scowcroft indicates that he handled the matter by phone. Tab A to Wickham was not found. In a memorandum to Scowcroft from September 30, Froebe wrote, “I understand that you have asked Defense (General Wickham) to forward the options study of our residual force presence in Thailand requested by NSDM 249 to the NSC staff by October 4.” (Ibid.)
  2. Kennedy and Smyser asked Scowcroft to call DOD’s attention to the request in NSDM 249 for Thai force level options.