136. Telegram From the Department of State to Secretary of State Kissinger in Cairo1
Tosec 10030/116387. Subject: Saudi Concern at Secretary of Defense’s Statement; Visit of Under Secretary Robinson to Saudi Arabia. Ref State 115497.
1. BBC has carried report that Secretary of Defense Schlesinger has said we would use “political, economic and even military” means to break another oil boycott.
2. Saudis are concerned and Foreign Minister has asked us for text of the statement. The Kuwaiti Ambassador asked to see me immediately after his meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister. The Kuwaiti said, and I presume he was reflecting the views he had just heard, that we would be very mistaken if we thought this revival of the invasion threats would help oil prices or the cause of peace in the area. The Kuwaiti said the timing was the worst possible and asked if we were determined to lose all our Middle East interests or if Schlesinger were deliberately sabotaging the peace efforts. I told him I thought he was overreacting; Secretary Schlesinger had said nothing new.
3. We do not rpt not know if it is cause-and-effect but the visit of Secretary Robinson with Crown Prince Fahd which had been cleared with Royal Protocol and Foreign Ministry and was waiting only the fixing of exact time is now up in the air again. Chief of Royal Protocol told Embassy Officer in Riyadh that no rpt no appointment would be set; we should call after Robinson arrives and protocol will “see what Prince’s schedule for day looks like.”
4. We are calling to Fahd’s attention Secretary’s personal interest in the meeting (reftel) and believe that once Under Secretary is here, things can be worked out. In any case, Under Secretary should come as scheduled. Meeting with Aba al-Khayl is now set for 0900 May 21.
[Page 471]5. Action requested: Please send us text of Secretary Schlesinger’s remarks on our response to new oil boycott.
Summary: The Department repeated telegram 3543 from Jidda, May 19, in which Akins asked for the text of Schlesinger’s recent remarks on the possible U.S. responses to a new oil embargo.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D750176–0032. Secret; Priority; Stadis. Drafted and approved in S/S by Jay Moffat. Schlesinger’s comments are in telegram 116290 to multiple posts, May 21. (Ibid., [no film number]) Schlesinger also gave an interview to U.S. News and World Report, published in the May 26 issue, in which the following exchange occurred: “Q: What do you mean by less tolerant [of a renewed oil embargo]? A: . . . I’m not going to indicate any prospective reaction other than to point out there are economic, political, or conceivably military measures in response.” (James Schlesinger Interview, U.S. News and World Report, May 26, 1975, 38–39) Schlesinger also made similar comments on May 18 on the ABC television program, “Issues and Answers.” See Document 54.