74. Telegram 1569 From the Consulate General in Dacca to the Department of State1 2

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For Secretary and Sisco from Ambassador

Severe floods are causing considerable damage and suffering in East Pakistan. Details have been given in our recent reporting. President Yahya has just concluded 12-day visit to East Pakistan during which he toured affected areas and inspected relief operations. On August 15 he announced decision to postpone until December 7 the national elections he had previously set for October 5, citing the flood effects which would make it infeasible to hold elections in October in east wing.
GOP has requested US and other foreign governments to provide relief assistance. I have already delivered check for rupees 100,000 (about dols 21,000) to President’s East Pakistan relief fund. USG has also agreed to permit Pakistan to begin purchases now of 300,000 tons of wheat against PL 480 agreement still to be negotiated for current year. We are continuing to study relief needs and will recommend any other additional measures we believe called for. I am now in East Pakistan for first-hand look at situation.
Realizing that following suggestion carries with it obligation for timely relief commitment, nevertheless, I believe a personal message from President Nixon to Yahya at this juncture would be timely and would be much appreciated. [Page 2] Recommend Presidential message along following lines: “Ambassador Farland, after personal observation, has informed me of the serious flood situation in East Pakistan. I am grieved to learn of the damage which has caused grievous suffering to millions of your compatriots. The American people join with me in extending to them our compassionate and sympathetic understanding. We hope that the situation in the flood-stricken areas will soon improve and that Pakistan can again devote its full resources to the course of national progress which your government and people have charted.”
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, SOC 10 PAK. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Rawalpindi. The telegram, signed by Consul General Blood, was sent by Farland. Nixon followed Farland’s advice. On August 18 Farland was authorized to deliver a letter from Nixon to Yahya that was virtually identical to the letter proposed by Farland. (Telegram 134524 to Rawalpindi; ibid.)
  2. Ambassador Farland reported from Dacca on severe flooding in East Pakistan that had led Pakistani President Yahya to postpone national elections from October to December.