37. Telegram 22400 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Nigeria1 2


  • State 020875
On Feb 10 Amachree phoned Palmer to say Arikpo upset that Amachree had not been able see Secretary and asked that he make further effort after Secretaryʼs return from Florida.
Meeting between Secretary and Amachree arranged Feb 11. Amachree opened by saying that he satisfied re his earlier conversation with Palmer but that there great uneasiness Lagos re future of US policy and present review. Gowon and Arikpo had therefore attached importance his seeing Secretary as well.
Following is uncleared, NOFORN, FYI only, and subject to revison. Secretary said that with change of administrations, previous policies continue unless or until decision taken to change them. Indicating that no such decision has been taken, Secretary emphasized that our review is related to question of relief on which we under great public pressure. While some are trying also to press USG to bring about peace settlement, we do not want to get politically involved. Our interest is in feeding [Page 2] people and we regard it of utmost importance FMG do everything possible to facilitate that task.
Amachree expressed understanding and satisfaction. As result his visit he well understood depth humanitarian concern and would assure Lagos aware true nature our problem.
Amachree also indicated he has had extensive conversations Sen Kennedyʼs staff and hoped see Senator himself in New York before he (Amachree) departedd for Lagos evening 11th. He added that Kennedy staff had told him that Biafran reps had informed Kennedy that Biafraʼs sovereignty is negotiable. Amachree rejoined that if that is true Biafran position, war can end. He says he has asked that Kennedyʼs office try arrange meeting between Biafran reps and Amachree with Kennedy present to pin down this point and has offered to return to U.S. whenever Senator can arrange.


  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 7-Nigeria. Secret. Repeated to London. Drafted by Palmer, cleared in S, and approved in S/S.
  2. The Department reported on Godfrey Amachreeʼs (the personal representative of Major General Gowon, Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria) meeting with Secretary of State William Rogers on February 11. Rogers stated that with the change of administrations the previous policies would continue unless or until a decision was taken to change them. The administration was reviewing relief policy, regarding which there was great public pressure.