36. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation1 2

Elliot Richardson - Mr. Kissinger

R said he was calling about Biafra—unfortunately he is leaving for Paris shortly and will not be here if this is brought up at NSC meeting this week. K said we will reach it on Friday—President indicated today that he wants 20 minutes on it. K asked if R wanted it held over and he said no, it should be handled. R said he thinks President should be involved and informed and have opportunity personally to pass on what is done. R said at his request the thing has been carried one step further, which is to analyze alternatives and come up with what we think is a useful recommendation. R said this is just his recommendation to the Secretary—he does not know whether Secretary will go along with it. Basically is is somewhere between option 1 and 2. R said we should go forward with some initiative to deal with release problem—should do so with US rep (Relief Coordinator—named and designated) without political involvement. HAK said he agrees. HAK said if Secretary is prepared to make this recommendation, it would be very appropriate.

  1. Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box 359, Telephone Conversations, Chronological File. No classification marking.
  2. Under Secretary of State Elliot Richardson and Assistant to the President Henry Kissinger discussed Biafra and the upcoming NSC meeting. Richardson said his position was somewhere between Options 1 and 2. He supported naming a Relief Coordinator without political involvement. Kissinger agreed.