200. Telegram 177998 from the Department of State to the Embassy in the Ivory Coast1 2

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  • (A) STATE 166104 (B) BERN 4101

Swiss refusal asylum to Ojukwu sharply increases our concern that U.S. haven may now be sought. We wish avoid, if at all possible, submission of application for visa to us. The partisan pushing and hauling that may emerge from such a move by Ojukwu could do much harm to our relations with FMG plus damage U.S. interests in Nigeria. Unless you perceive substantial objections, request you approach Houphouet-Boigny and indicate U.S. Government would not look with favor on move to seek asylum for Ojukwu in U.S. and express hope that GOIC will discourage any inclination to move in this direction. END

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 30 Nigeria. Confidential; priority; Limdis. Repeated priority to Lagos. Drafted by Kontos (AF/AFR–N), cleared in (AF/W), and approved by Newsom.
  2. Newsom expressed his concern that Ojukwu might seek asylum in the United States, which could do much harm to relations with Nigeria.