131. Telegram 180295 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Nigeria1 2

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  • (a) State 176138 (b) State 176139


1. You should convey message paras 2–4 to Enahoro, Extaff, for Gowon. You should note in so doing that we informed Arikpo of these steps (reftels) when in Washington and that we gratified by Arikpoʼs strong assurances FMG cooperation. (FYI—We not revealing any details re how we communicating with Biafrans END FYI.) You may wish use aide memoire with Enahoro. Message is as follows:

2. President wishes convey General Gowon his admiration for his humane statesmanship in agreeing to inviolable daylight airlift by ICRC into enclave. USG deeply committed to humanitarian program and therefore very distressed continued impasse. We wish see prompt implementation ICRC flights and see question of security chief Biafran objection remaining. In effort meet this problem [Page 2] President has by appropriate means arranged Biafrans be informed that USG has full confidence in FMG commitment to cooperate ICRC program without any violation for military advantage during daylight relief hours. US associates self with FMG assurances and therefore feels Biafrans have no reasonable basis insist on further guarantees. US also asking Biafran assurance Uli will not be used for arms flights during daylight relief operations. If Biafrans accept daylight flights under these arrangements, USG prepared make public statement at high level expressing confidence in FMG pledge inviolability airlift, gratification FMG statesmanship thus demonstrated, and therefore agreement of two parties to daylight flights.

3. Biafrans to be asked for yes or no answer. US assurance non-negotiable. If Biafrans still reject, USG will feel free to express publicly USG view of Biafran position.

4. President wishes General Gowon understand we fully appreciative solemn undertaking by FMG in accepting daylight airlift. Our present effort intended solely to remove main issue on which Biafrans have based rejection, thus hopefully opening way to [Page 3] actual flights. President instructed you simply convey General Gowon and FMG full explanation of background and purposes our action, as well as Presidentʼs recognition of FMGʼs remarkable humanitarianism in allowing safe passage airlift to other side in civil war.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27–9 Biafra-Nigeria. Secret; Priority. Repeated to London and Abidjan. Drafted by Brubeck (AF/SN); cleared by Newsom, and in U/CF, S/S, and the White House; and approved by Richardson.
  2. The telegram transmitted a message for Major General Gowon, Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria, from President Nixon. The United States stood with the Federal Military Government (FMG) on its commitment to International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) daylight flights without violation. The Biafrans would be asked that Uli not be used for arms flights in daylight hours.