42. Telegram 200453 From the Department of State to All Diplomatic Posts1 2
December 2,
1969, 2013Z.
Helsinki for Saltdel
[Page 2]- 1.
- US Govt wishes to have NPT enter into force as soon as possible and to encourage states which have not done so to ratify the Treaty as soon as political or constitutional considerations permit them to take this decision. Under terms of the Treaty, ratification by 40 countries plus those of three depositaries is necessary to bring NPT into force. Of latter category UK completed its ratification on Nov 27, 1968. The US and USSR signed their ratification instruments on Nov 24 of this year and expect to complete the process by depositing their instruments shortly. We hope to arrange deposit ceremonies in three depositary capitals in approximately two to three weeks time, fulfilling one condition for entry into force of NPT. We would be pleased if other countries which have signed could be in a position to deposit instruments at that time also, so that the Treaty could come into force.
- 2.
- In Dept’s view many countries have been waiting for fresh indication on part of US and USSR of their continued interest in NPT as well as moves by other significant countries before themselves taking decision regarding Treaty. US and Soviet action on Nov 24, Swiss signature on Nov 27, and FRG signature on Nov 28, and anticipated public announcement that Japan intends to sign NPT are events which we believe warrant re-examination by other countries of their positions regarding ratification.
- 3.
- We are sending by septel, up-to-date status report on which countries have signed or ratified NPT. With exceptions noted below Chiefs of Missions in countries which have signed but not ratified NPT should approach host governments at appropriately high level to inform them that US plans to complete its ratification in approxmately two to three weeks. If political consideration or constitutional procedures of host government permit, we would be pleased if they would ratify NPT at that time and thus join depositary governments in steps to bring NPT into force as soon as possible. Please report by December 5 if possible host government response and your appraisal of prospects.
- 4.
- Chiefs of Mission in countries which have not yet signed NPT should inform host governments of above, pointing out it continues to be US policy that countries must make their [Page 3] own decisions regarding adherence to NPT, but that recent developments regarding Treaty may warrant review of their positions concerning it. You may note number countries which have already signed and ratified drawing on septel.
- 5.
- For London: Because of UK interest in NPT we would greatly appreciate their help with former British dependencies which may have ratification procedures similar to UK (i.e., no constitutional requirement of parliamentary consent, but important treaties often in practice subjected to parliamentary debate). Such former British dependencies which have signed NPT include: Barbados, Ceylon, Cyprus, Gambia, Ghana, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Malta, Swaziland, Trinidad and Tobago.
- 6.
- For EURATOM capitals: You may advise FonOffs of above diplomatic steps and that we recognize there is no change in their policy with respect to need for satisfactory verification agreement between IAEA and European communities before their respective ratifications take place. It remains US policy to use its good offices to facilitate such agreement.
- 7.
- For Stockholm: We understand Swedish ratification under parliamentary consideration. We would appreciate it if Swedish ratification could be timed to coincide with world-wide effort we are making.
- 8.
- For Tokyo: You should advise FonOff of our planned representations elsewhere so that GOJ will not be caught off-base in its own consideration regarding timing of NPT signature.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 366, Subject Files, Non-Proliferation Treaty, Vol. I, April 69–March 70. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Gleysteen (ACDA/IR) on November 28; cleared by ACDA/D, EUR, NEA, L, PM, AF, ARA, EA, IO, AEC, and the White House; and approved by Rogers. Repeated for information to USNATO, USEC Brussels, USUN, U.S. Mission Geneva, and Helsinki.↩
- The Department instructed posts in those countries that had not yet signed or ratified the NPT to encourage their host governments to do so. The telegram encouraged all officials to cite the recent U.S., USSR, Swiss, and FRG signature of the NPT as indication of NPT legitimacy and as reason to reexamine their own ratification status. It closed with further strategic advice for encouraging ratification in European capitals and former British dependencies.↩