237. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Nutter) to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Moorer)1 2


  • Negotiation of BW Convention

I would like to have the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the attached draft message of instruction to the United States delegation at the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament in Geneva concerning the draft Bacteriological Warfare Convention. A reply is requested by 17 September, if possible.

G. Warren Nutter
[Page 2]

Draft Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission in Geneva


  • CCD: Negotiation of BW Convention


  • A. Geneva 3844
  • B. Geneva 3849
  • C. Geneva 3850
  • D. Geneva 3851
  • E. Geneva 3852
We are prepared to accept changes in text of August 5 draft convention as reported reftels.
Text of BW convention as sent reftel B represents achievement of main US objective: development, production and stockpiling of BW, already renounced unilaterally by USG, would be prohibited by treaty. Moreover, the two major US concerns in negotiating the treaty are met: 1) draft does not affect US position on Geneva Protocol and 2) commitment to further negotiations on chemical weapons prohibitions does not prejudge outcome of such negotiations.
We appreciate efforts of Del to arrive at draft which would appear generally acceptable at CCD and at UNGA. [Page 3] We believe some additions will be particularly acceptable to our allies (e.g., additions to Articles I and V) while new language proposed by non-aligned for preamble and operative Articles VIII and IX should increase support for Convention.

a. We favor inclusion of optional article on BW assistance (para 13, reftel D) if, in light of further consultations with Sovs and other dels, US del believe this would enhance overall support for treaty.

b. We consider preambular para 4 of proposed text an improvement, but we continue to be able to accept August 5 version.

C. If in Del’s judgment it would significantly increase non-aligned backing for BW convention you authorized insert “comprehensive” in preambular para of proposed text (para 7, reftel C).

FOR USNATO, ALL NATO CAPITALS AND EMBASSY TOKYO: Consultations with our NATO allies and Japan on new language should begin soonest. Instructions follow septel.


  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 330–74–83, 384 Jan–1971. Secret. For text of the August 5 draft convention, see Document 235.
  2. Nutter forwarded draft instructions to Geneva concerning the draft Biological Weapons Convention and asked for JCS’s comments.